Intraocular pressure - symptoms and treatment

Glaucoma, especially in an open-ended form, develops gradually, so we can simply not pay attention to the signs of the disease. Meanwhile, the symptoms and treatment of increased intraocular pressure are closely interrelated! The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the more likely that the operation will be avoided.

Symptoms of intraocular pressure disorders

In the eyes of a person is constantly circulating a special fluid, which has many important functions - it serves as a conductor of nutrients and support for all parts of the body. The products of metabolism and bacteria are also derived from the intraocular fluid. Normally, every minute the eye receives 2 microliters of fresh liquid and the same amount it flows through the drainage channels. If the outflow is disturbed, the pressure rises. There are symptoms of increased intraocular pressure:

There are two types of glaucoma - closed-angle and open-angle. The causes of the first is the deformation of the structure of the eye, when the iris grows and begins to squeeze the drainage canals. The second type is associated with the deterioration of the very system of outflow of the intraocular fluid - the weakening of vessels and canals, the deposition of proteins and lipids on their walls, the weakening of muscles. Open angle glaucoma is more dangerous, because all these processes are very slow, the first few years the disease is almost asymptomatic. At the initial stage, the disease is very difficult to detect.

The symptoms that intraocular pressure is increased for open-angle and angle-closure glaucoma will be completely identical.

There are also reverse situations, when there is a deficit in the eye. This condition has several causes, one of the main causes is general hypotension. Also, this can happen due to trauma and water starvation. Symptoms of decreased intraocular pressure are as follows:

How to treat violations of intraocular pressure, the doctor will determine. Before this, it is necessary to measure the exact values ​​with the help of the Maklakov tonometer.

How to treat elevated intraocular pressure?

With increasing pressure in the eye, it is important to know which form of glaucoma has developed. Open-angle is harder to notice, but it's much easier to win. Often found the first symptoms of increased intraocular pressure, enough treatment with folk remedies. This diet is aimed at reducing body weight, increasing motor activity and diuretic herbs. In prophylactic purposes, it is enough to drink a course of infusion of rose hips to feel better. Good results were shown by special gymnastics for the eyes. With the help of exercises you can significantly strengthen muscle and accelerate the eye's metabolic processes.

When zakratougolnoy glaucoma is often prescribed surgery, since it is impossible to influence the ocular structure in other ways. But this diagnosis is not a verdict. In the early stages, droplets can be prescribed that regulate the drainage of the intraocular fluid, for example, Xalatan and Carbohol. Their actions will be sufficient to prevent visual impairment and optic nerve atrophy. Of course, these medicines will have to be used on an ongoing basis for many years. But if you are categorically against eye surgery and laser correction - this option will be the only true one.