Shade-tolerant plants for the garden

In what garden do not the trees grow? Under them there is always a shady coolness, and along with this, under the sprawling crown, other plants grow poorly and practically do not bloom. But such areas are so pitiful to leave without vegetation. But there is a way out - plant shade-tolerant garden plants.

Shade-tolerant plants for cottages - shrubs

If you want your garden in a poorly lit area not only to be green, but also to have a beautiful bloom, pay attention to the bushes. It is, first of all, dogwood with yellow small flowers, lilac with intoxicating aroma, curative elder, wagel with its beautiful bells, unpretentious viburnum, fragrant jasmine. Bright blossom affects hydrangeas, Japanese kerrias, spiraea, wisteria. Among the shade-tolerant plants for the garden, which do not have a decorative bloom, it's worth paying attention to the girlish grapes, the Tunberga barberry, the spindle grass.

If you are interested in shade-tolerant coniferous plants for a garden, then tuya, juniper, boxwood, crossbroken microbiota, an ambulance have a special effect.

Shadow-tolerant herbaceous plants

Speaking of shade-loving and shade-tolerant plants of annuals, first of all they remember the luxurious begonias, bright lunnyks, attractive stachys and a dark-blue cloud. Shade-tolerant perennials are much larger and they amaze with a variety of colors. The most popular among the dacha "longevity", well growing in the shade, are considered to be an arronik, a narcissus, an effective dicenter, a lily of the valley with a recognizable scent, a lush peony, an elegant lily, a cyclamen.

Less common, (although their decorative properties are no worse) fuchsia, hellebore, liverwort, nomocharis, lunnik, lobelia, saxifrage. Of the leafy-ornamental herbaceous plants, your garden of arisema, sedge, pachysander, host will decorate your garden.