Hand burn

Most often, a hand burn happens to appear in a safe place - at home, when a person is busy solving domestic issues: during ironing or cooking.

A hand burn can be chemical if the damage is caused by the contact of complex chemicals with the skin, and thermal if the dermis is damaged by exposure to high temperature. The way that first aid is treated and the further recovery depends on what contributed to the burn.

What should I do if my hand is burned?

First aid for a hand burn depends on what type of burn happened: thermal or chemical. Also contributes its own characteristics in helping and what exactly led to the burn: for example, whether it was contact with a red-hot iron or boiling water.

It should be noted that with a burn that affects a large area, you need to call an ambulance, because in the house there are no conditions in which the victim must be held.

Thermal burn of hands

  1. Burn your hand with boiling water. First of all put your hand in cold water for 5-10 minutes. It is necessary that the tissues cool and the burn does not spread to the deeper layers of the dermis. After that, lubricate the burn site with panthenol or ointment lifeguard: the main thing is that the substance softens the skin on the damaged area. That's why some people call the usual means of burn normal fat.
  2. Burning hands with steam. Often such burns occur on a large area and often occur under clothing. Therefore, first of all you should try to carefully remove the tissue from the burn site, so as not to damage the integrity of the blisters. Then put your hand in cold water or treat it with chloroethyl. Often after a burn, the hand swells up, and to reduce puffiness, keep this part of the body lifted. To reduce pain, use any analgesic that does not contain aspirin: spasmalgone, ibuprofen, novalgin, etc.
  3. Burn your hand with an iron. As a rule, the iron contributes to a severe burn of the hand, but on the other hand, the area of ​​damage is small due to the parameters of the device. Place a hand under the flow of cold water for 5-10 minutes, and then you can use sunflower oil and soda: lubricate the affected area and sprinkle with soda powder. If this is done immediately after receiving a burn, the blisters most likely will not appear (this depends on how deep the burn has turned out). But doctors advise to use, nevertheless, cold water without resorting to folk methods, although the effectiveness of some of them is proved by experience. After the hand is cooled, use ointment from burns with antibacterial effect (for example, fastin).

Chemical burn of hands

With a chemical burn, in the first place, you need to wash the substance with cold running water. Do not use wet wipes and towels: so the product even more rubs into the skin.

An important step in providing first aid for a chemical burn is to neutralize the aggressive substance:

How to treat a burned arm?

After the first aid has been rendered, it is time to treat burns of the hands. First of all, you need to ensure that there is no infection of the damaged area, so daily apply antibacterial ointment fustin. Also in the treatment of burns the rescuer is effective, which contains a lot of levomekol.

To restore the skin quickly, apply panthenol in the form of an ointment or cream 3 times a day.

The most important point in the treatment of burns is rest for the affected area, for which the arm is often bandaged. However, do not rush to this: the skin is restored more quickly, if the wound is not closed, so it is better to give up household chores to healing, if possible, and apply a bandage only for the night, so that during the sleep you do not injure the burned place.