Scythe Hair

Recently, fashion returns to feminine images: skirts in the floor, flowers in the hair and, of course, braids as the best decoration of the lady and besides - the strongest amulet. In ancient times it was believed that an oblique woman takes energy from space, giving it to her family, and three strands from which such a weaving is created also had a deep symbolism. Today, women of fashion have a chance to make sure that the braid is not an easy hairstyle. And even if you have a short haircut, this is not a reason to refuse intricate weaving.

Overhead braids

If the length of the strands is not more than 10 cm, you can use the overhead braids - for a short haircut they are attached with the help of invisible or clip-on. Such a hairpiece should be selected, relying on the natural color of the hair (if they are unpainted). And an artificial pigtail can be painted in the tone of the head of hair, and then even a very short haircut will be added with an elegant weave.

But for short hair longer than 10 cm braids are braided without using a chignon, and there is plenty to choose from.


The French pigtail, which is still called the spikelet, easily trails in the root zone directly over the head. Weaving can be started like a wreath, using a bang, which is especially appropriate if you grow it. To do this, the temple takes three strands and begins to weave the usual braid along the forehead line, gradually adding hair to the right and left or only from one side.

To hairstyles with braids on short hair looked elegant and tightly held, it is appropriate to weave a ribbon in them, which, combined with the outfit, will create a unique image.


If you divide your head with prostrings and from each part weave a spikelet , you get a haircut called a dragon. The easiest way is to weave such braids on short hair, moving vertically - from the forehead to the back of the head. Strands from the unused adjacent part, separated by a parting, must be stabbed, so that they do not interfere. With these spikelets, ribbons also look beautiful, and especially this hairstyle wears thick hair, while on the rare head of hair can be seen bald patches.

Dutch braids

Kolosok vice versa, in which the strands are tucked down, and not upward, is called the Dutch braid - it will not be difficult to braid her short hair, if you work only with the basal zone. The thinner the strands involved in the weaving, the more graceful the hair will be.

The highlight of the spike on the contrary is the ability to relax strands or, as they say, "povypuskat." This creates the illusion of a very large braid, even if in fact it is thin. This step is performed at the final stage, when the end of the finished pigtail is already well fixed.

Dutch weaving is appropriate to decorate the hair on the sides symmetrically or only on one side. When the hair grows to such a length that they can be intercepted by a clamp or a crab, the "spikelet on the contrary" is actual to start at the temple, and then connect it in the occipital part with a common tail or a shingle.

The most beautiful Dutch braids for short hair are woven around the head like a wreath - in them it is important to hide the bangs that are growing, as in the spikelet. Tapes in a similar hairstyle look specifically.


When cutting a bean , a classic square or a page, weaving such braid on short hair as a "waterfall" is available. It resembles a Dutch scythe, from which, at each new turn, the lower strand is released. A waterfall is created across the head from ear to ear, although asymmetrical braiding obliquely looks no less stylish.

Thus, those who want to weave beautiful braids on short hair have plenty to choose from, which is great, because diversifying the mischievous traits of haircuts, romantic motifs of weaving is the best way to avoid monotony.