Instillation of the bladder

Sometimes it is necessary to carry out not only general cystitis treatment , but also local, especially if the general is contraindicated, for example, during pregnancy. Then the treatment is prescribed - instillation of the bladder with solutions of antiseptics (pouring them into the bladder through the catheter). This method of treatment will be effective, even when the general does not work because of the deep penetration of the infection into the wall or in manifestations with the formation of a granulation shaft, for which the drug does not penetrate from the blood. In this case, instillation of the bladder with cystitis shortens the treatment time: local drugs do not give toxic effects on the entire body, and the drug concentrates in the place of the greatest inflammation immediately and is not neutralized by the body.

Instillation of the bladder in women

This procedure is done by a doctor on a gynecological chair with an empty bladder, one of the requirements is to refrain from urinating 2 hours before and after the procedure.

  1. The genitals are treated with an antiseptic.
  2. Then a sterile disposable catheter is introduced into the urethra and urine is released.
  3. The Janet syringe is attached to the inlet of the catheter and the bladder is filled with an antiseptic.
  4. Then disconnect the syringe, and the liquid from the bladder flows out.
  5. The antiseptic is administered several times until the liquid that flows out becomes transparent.
  6. After that, approximately half fill the bladder with a warm antiseptic and remove the catheter, the patient is asked to lie down for a longer time and try not to empty the bladder one to two hours.

Drugs for instillation of the bladder

In the bladder often introduce antiseptics, less often - oily solutions, for example, sea buckthorn or rosehip oil . Most often prescribed instillations of the bladder Protargol - this drug contains iodine, which has an antimicrobial effect, but is contraindicated in people with hypersensitivity to drugs containing iodine. The same action and contraindications have the installation of a bladder with a similar iodine-containing drug - Collargol.

With an allergy to iodine, you can use the bladder installation with an antiseptic with silver (silver nitrate solution) or with Furacilin, potassium permanganate (manganese solution), Dimexide solution. From modern antiseptics use a solution of Dekasan, to which microbes do not develop resistance.