FBB of mammary glands - symptoms

Fibro-cystic disease (abbreviated as FCB) or mastopathy was described as early as the beginning of the 20th century. Nowadays this kind of pathology of the mammary glands is quite widespread. At the same time the incidence rate has a tendency to constant growth. This is primarily due to a change in the reproductive behavior of women, expressed by the late birth of children, a decrease in the number of births, a short period of breastfeeding, an increase in the number of abortions .

The World Health Organization defines the FBB of the breast as a disease associated with a disruption in the balance of connective tissue and epithelial elements, which is accompanied by various regressive and proliferative changes in the tissues of the female breast.

There are two forms of PCB - nodular and diffuse. For the first, formation of single nodes and cysts in the gland tissues is characteristic; for the second - the presence of multiple small formations.

Clinical manifestations of mastopathy

The main signs of breast FCD are the increase and engorgement of the mammary glands, accompanied by soreness in them. Pain can be of varying degrees of intensity and differ in nature. In some cases, pain can be given to the shoulder, scapula, axillary cavity, neck.

Typically, pain can be associated with the phase of the menstrual cycle. Their strengthening occurs approximately 10 days before the onset of menstruation, after the end of menstruation, they come to naught.

The above symptoms can also be accompanied by edema, migraine-like pains, a feeling of fullness of the stomach, constipation, flatulence, irritability, unstable emotional background, fear, anxiety, sleep disorders. As the disease develops, the pain becomes less. When palpation in the mammary glands, seals are found that do not have definite boundaries. From the nipples may appear discharge.

Diagnosis of PCB is made after examination and palpation of the mammary glands, ultrasound, mammography , puncture of the formation and cytological analysis of the punctate, which are carried out in the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

Treatment of FCB

Great value in the therapy of the disease is given to nutrition. From medications used: painkillers and homeopathic remedies, vitamins, phytopreparations, potassium iodide, various hormonal oral contraceptives.