Why dreams?

Wherever night, there and sleep. Everyone who has dreamed of something bad, not connected with real life, is used to saying so. But is reality so far away from what we see when our body rests from day labor? Why do people dream about dreams, and what significance do they have in our lives? Let's try to reveal at least some of this mystery.

Why do we dream?

In the different centuries, various great minds worked on the dream of a man. For example, Aristotle believed that in a dream a person's body finds peace and harmony with nature and the soul begins to possess the gift of clairvoyance. At the beginning of the 20th century, scientists thought that dreams were part of the physiological processes taking place in the body during rest. In particular, a theory was put forward that it dissipated the various chemicals that accumulated in the brain for a day. One of the most plausible versions suggests that sleep is a kind of reboot of the brain and release from unnecessary information. Scientists have proved that during a fast sleep, it's about 30-45 minutes, blood pressure on the brain increases, it quickly changes its activity and if at this moment a person is awakened, he will be able to tell in detail about what he dreamed. This fact is one of the answers to the question, do all people see dreams. Those who can tell about their dreams, see them in the so-called fast phase. Usually this happens in the morning. And if a person claims that he has never dreamed of any dreams, it means that he simply does not remember about it, because he was in a long phase.

Nevertheless, the exact answer, why we dream, until no one gave. Modern researchers refer to the famous scientist I.P. Pavlov, who discovered the fact that the mechanism of sleep is controlled by the bark of the cerebral hemispheres. Nerve cells of the cerebral cortex are responsible for signals that enter all organs and have high reactivity. Owing to fatigue, a protective mechanism is included in these cells - inhibition, during which the processing and removal of all the information that has accumulated in the cells per day. This process of inhibition occurs in all parts of the brain, which explains why a person sees dreams.

However, there are also such dreams that can not be explained by higher nervous activity. For example, those that have nothing to do with reality, or are prophetic. Psychologist Sigmund Freud associated sleep with the work of our subconscious and claimed that during the rest, information that was in the subcortex of the brain and was not realized by a person becomes known to the bark. Many scientists are actively working in this direction, but they can not fully explain why, for example, erotic dreams are dreamed, while a person does not have any prerequisites for this, etc.

And a few more puzzles

Also, until the end, it is not clear why one dreams of bright dreams, and the other black and white. A study in 1942, when the majority of survey respondents said they can dream without color shades, was disproved in 2003 in California, when scientists concluded that the interviewed people are simply mistaken in the characteristics of their dreams. One of the reasons for the misconception may be that people do not pay attention to the color range of their dreams or have forgotten about what they were.

Why do some people rarely dream? The answer to this question lies on the surface. On average, a person sees a dream every 90 minutes. Studies of the brain using an electroencephalogram confirmed that this happens almost every time we fall asleep. And those who do not understand why they stopped dreaming, will also receive an unambiguous answer - with dreams everything is in order. They were and will be. Just such factors as fatigue, emotional stress and fatigue contribute to a sound sleep, i.e. Its long phase, in which dreams are not remembered.

The mystery of dreams is still covered with darkness. Particularly curious can look into the dream book or try to answer independently the question, why dreams and what they mean. And for more detailed and professional study of this unique phenomenon will take more than one decade.