When to plant hyacinths?

Many gardeners are familiar with such an onion plant as hyacinths . His bright flowers will effectively decorate any front garden and are suitable for making bouquets. But to obtain good inflorescences and the normal formation of leaves and roots, hyacinths should be dug out every year after flowering and planted again in the open ground. Therefore, it is very important to know how to properly and when you need to plant bulbs of hyacinths in the garden, this is discussed in this article.

Planting hyacinths in the open ground

Since hyacinths are heat-loving plants that do not tolerate excessive humidity, they should be prepared for sunbathing, without stagnation of water with light and rich earth (the best option is sandy loam soil). When determining the place of growing hyacinths, you should know that they can not be grown after other bulbous flowers and before 3 years you can not put them in their original place.

Time of planting hyacinths

The most optimal time for planting hyacinths in the open ground is the end of September - the beginning of October, when the temperature of the soil is 6-10 ° C. Planted in this period hyacinths just have time to take root before the onset of frost. If the bulbs are planted earlier, they can begin to grow in the fall and then they will die in the winter, and if later - they will not have time to take root before the soil freezes. If late planting hyacinths is necessary, the soil must be pre-insulated and covered with a film of precipitation. All this should be removed in the spring with the establishment of warm weather before the appearance of sprouts.

Preparation of a site for planting hyacinths

Soil preparation for hyacinths begins in August, so that shrinkage of the soil does not damage the bulb roots that are formed. It consists of the following:

  1. The soil is dug and the weeds are removed up to 40 cm deep.
  2. Mineral and organic fertilizers are introduced: superphosphates, potash fertilizers (or ash) and magnesium sulfate (or dolomite flour). It is not recommended to use fresh or badly decomposed manure.
  3. Before planting, the soil should once again loosen, align and remove the weeds.

Preparation of planting material

It is very responsible to approach the selection of planting material. To avoid problems with growing, hyacinth bulbs for planting should be:

Before the planting itself, to prevent all diseases, bulbs should be soaked for half an hour in a solution of any fungicide (for example: 0.2% baseol).

How correctly to plant hyacinths?

  1. Hyacinths are best planted in rows, leaving between the holes in the row 15 cm, and between the rows - 20-25 cm.
  2. To protect against stagnation of water, beds should be made in height of 15-20 cm.
  3. The depth of planting is determined by the size of the bulb: with a diameter of more than 5 cm - it is 15-18 cm, and with a smaller size somewhere 12-14 cm. In order not to be mistaken, it is necessary to take a triple height of the bulb, but if on the site light soil should be added 2 cm, and if heavy - take away 2 cm.
  4. At the bottom of the landing pit, 3-5 cm of sand should be poured.
  5. With insufficient soil moisture during planting, hyacinths should be watered.

Remember, in order to save the planted hyacinths, they should be covered with straw, pine branches or peat for the winter period, which must necessarily be removed early in the spring, otherwise the flowers will not be able to germinate.

When planting hyacinths at home, the time for planting depends on the time needed for their flowering (for example: it is necessary for a certain holiday), but the most optimal is December and January. To do this, it is sufficient to plant an onion in the soil, deepening it to the shoulders, cover with a hood or a film, put in a place with a temperature of 12 ° C. And after 6 weeks put in a warm sunny place.

Carrying out all the recommendations on the timing and rules for planting hyacinths, you will certainly get to grow beautiful flowers.