Same clothes for the whole family

The same clothes for the whole family can be worn not only for an unforgettable photo session, but also simply as an ordinary outfit, in order to once again emphasize the unity of all members of the family, their love and respect for each other. Let's look at the most popular sets.

The same clothing is a symbol of cohesion

Family Institute - this is the personification of kindness, tenderness, boundless love, which I want to tell the whole world. Family look is a concept known to everyone. A kind of family image where mom, dad, their little child and, even happens, pets are wearing the same or similar in color palette. From the outside it looks not only charming, but also cute.

So, the founder of a certain family style, the image was the world-famous Madonna. The wardrobe of her daughter Lourdes is in many respects a reduced copy of the star mother. This trend quickly spread and on paparazzi pictures - in sets of the same clothes for the whole family could be seen Beckham, Gwen Stefani and Angelina Jolie.

A kind of "family bow" is not just a trend of modernity, but a very good custom that should be supported by every family. It will not be superfluous to mention that for today there are several types of identical clothes for the whole family:

  1. Complete identity . It assumes a maximum of similarity, not only in the color of the outfits, but their styles and even the materials used. Of course, the only difference is the size. It is impossible not to agree that the little princess looks charming, when the same clothes for the children are sewn as for the mother.
  2. The main thing is accessories . A less catchy option is when each of the family members puts on their favorite outfit, but at the same time every possible ornaments are similar for everyone. Bags, belts or glasses are chosen the same. This "zest" is only able to supplement the image, not at all worsening it.
  3. Beauty of color . Despite the clothes of different brands, differing in style, in this case, the emphasis is on a harmonious color scheme, where the appearance in the same clothes of mother, father, son and daughter acquires a special charm.
  4. Family and animals . Modern women of fashion do not mind putting on not only their children in the same clothes, but also pets, dolls. Especially it looks good during the photo session.