Scottish cat - character

A cat, like a dog, is a very close friend of man. It is generally believed that dogs guard the house, and cats maintain a cosiness in it. In general, cats are very different from other animals, including dogs by their self-sufficiency. Dogs can not without communication with a person, they need it as in the air and very seldom take offense at the master. Cats in this sense are very obstinate and arrogant. A striking example of this is the character of the Scottish Straight Cat , which, in spite of its manifestations, is considered to be the guardian of home comfort. And what kind of character Scottish cats, we'll consider below.

Characteristics of the character of Scottish cats

The breed of Scottish Fold cats is slightly shy, even female character traits. A striking feature of the character of Scottish cats is their high degree of domestication, attachment to the owner and to their place of residence. They are difficult to tolerate global permutations and relocations, because they are very used to the things around them. They feel confident among the recognizable subjects in their familiar surroundings. For the breed of Scottish Fold cats is characterized by calm, peaceful behavior and a flexible way of life. And their independence, to a certain extent increased self-esteem and selfishness, are more touching than they bring trouble. Particularly important quality in the breed as the Scottish Fold and the Scottish Straight cat is its selectivity. A cat remembers and perceives only that which has for it some meaning and benefit. So, if you want to teach her something, you need to try to convince the fluffy princess that it is important and profitable for her.

But despite all their whims and obstinate character passages, such a breed as the Scottish Fold and Scottish Straight cats tend to generously give heat to their family members. And they do it is not intrusive and very nice.