What kind of nose should a cat have?

In order to timely determine the disease , you should carefully monitor the condition of the nose of the pet, periodically checking how much it is wet and not too hot.

If your pet is healthy, then the nozzle should be moist, slightly cool, even slightly slippery, lobed shiny, it should not have peeling and crusts. The tip of the cat's nose is a kind of indicator of her condition.

Signs of a cat's disease

Knowing which nose is normal in a healthy cat, you can, by the slightest change, understand that everything is not all right with the animal. If during the day, touching the nose of the animal, you feel that it remains warm and dry, then you need to pay attention to other symptoms of the disease and this should be the reason for contacting the vet.

Temperature is an important clinical sign of the disease, therefore, knowing what kind of cat it should be normal, and feeling its nose, the attentive owner will not miss the onset of the pet's illness. In a healthy animal, the normal temperature can range from 38 to 39 degrees, in a kitten it is half a degree higher.

It should be borne in mind that the temperature of the animal can vary within a day, in the evening it is slightly increased, which is not a sign of a morbid condition. If the cat lost its appetite, became sedentary, sleeps a lot, is depressed and yet has a dry nose, hot to the touch - this can be both the beginning of a fever so, and testify to the dehydration of the animal.

Do not panic if the cat's spout has become hot after sleep, it can also happen after active games, the temperature can rise and if the animal has experienced stress.

A very cold nose in a cat, especially noticeably pale, may also indicate an animal's disease or its severe hypothermia.

The owners of cats should know that if the pet's nose is cool and moist, this can not yet be a 100% sign of the animal's health.