The largest dog in the world

In the top of the largest dogs in the world included about 30 names of breeds. A dog is considered to belong to a large breed when its weight is more than 40 kg, and the height at the withers is not less than 60 cm.

The most famous large breeds

  1. Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff). Ancient Romans used dogs, which were the immediate ancestors of this breed, to participate in wars. Modern representatives of this breed are magnificent defenders and guards. The weight of these animals can reach 50-55 kg, the growth is not less than 75 cm.
  2. Russian black terrier . These dogs have an average weight of about 58-60 kg, the heights are about 75 cm. The breed appeared in the USSR as official. Russian Terrier is in dire need of communication with the owner, also requires the attention of the family members in which he is kept.
  3. Caucasian Shepherd Dog . The weight of an adult male can reach 90 kg, and the growth should be more than 75 cm. This breed belongs to one of the oldest, their homeland is the Caucasus. The breed is unique in that it can adapt to life in any climate, is characterized by extreme endurance, determination and courage.
  4. St. Bernard . By the standard - the weight of the representatives of this breed should be more than 80 kg, there are individuals with a weight exceeding 100 kg. The dog named Benedektin entered the Guinness Book of Records as the heaviest dog, who reached a weight of 166.4 kg. The St. Bernards are excellent rescuers, they are very sensitive and friendly creatures.

The largest dog in the world

What is the largest breed of dogs? It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer. For example, the tallest breed in the world is the Great Dane and his representative named Zeus, his height at the withers reached 111.8 cm, if he stands on his hind legs, then the length of his elongated body is 2.24 m.

If you decide which dog is the largest in the world, based on the size and weight of the dog, then undoubtedly it is the English mastiff, named Aykama Zorbo, whose weight was 155.58 kg, this record is fixed in the Guinness Book of Records.