White worms in the aquarium

If you have small white worms in the aquarium, then do not immediately despair. It is necessary to understand what kind of white worms settled on the glass of the aquarium.


Nematodes are one of the most numerous multicellular organisms living on earth. Some nematodes living in the aquarium can only swim in figure eight, while others move exclusively in a stream of water. Most often, nematodes with purchased algae are brought in and do not represent any harm to the inhabitants of the aquarium.

The increased multiplication of nematodes can be a consequence of the fact that you overfeed your fish and there remains extra food, which feeds on worms. To get rid of nematodes, run the gourami in the aquarium, and the issue with the presence of nematodes will be resolved.


Another kind of small white worms in the aquarium are hydra. These living beings have an interesting property: new individuals grow from the cut parts of the hydra. For the inhabitants of the aquarium hydra is not harmful. They are food for mollies and gourami. To get rid of hydra you can run into the aquarium of pond snails . Another way: temporarily remove all the fish from the aquarium, warm water in the aquarium without algae to 40 ° C and maintain this temperature for 2 hours - the hydra should disappear.


The most dangerous neighbor for aquarium residents is the planaria. They are afraid of light and spend the whole day digging into the ground . Therefore, they are so difficult to detect. They eat everything, like hydras, can self-repair, so planaria must necessarily be destroyed.

To do this, you can use the old method: traps with bait in the form of meat. Overnight in such traps pests come in and in the morning they can be extracted. However, such a method is ineffective. Some aquarists recommend to deal with planarians with the help of hydrogen peroxide. But any chemistry can adversely affect the health of the inhabitants of the aquarium. Therefore, use these drugs only when absolutely necessary.