Than to treat a dry cough?

Dry cough - unproductive, which does not excrete sputum. This kind of cough reflex is especially painful, painful and not bringing relief. The cause of its appearance can be as irritation of the respiratory tract by various substances (allergens, dust, gases, vapors of chemicals, etc.), and infectious and inflammatory diseases (viral, bacterial) of the respiratory system. Also, an unproductive cough may indicate:

Before treating a dry, painful cough, you should find out the root cause of its occurrence. This can only be done by a doctor after certain examinations. With respiratory infections, the treatment of dry cough is directed, first of all, to translating it into a productive, moist form. Consider what it is usually recommended to treat a very dry, irritating cough with bronchitis and other diseases caused by various respiratory infections.

Than to treat a dry cough - medicines

If a dry cough was tortured at night, then the list of drugs than treating this symptom may include antitussive drugs that suppress the cough reflex. The use of drugs of this group is justified with frequent, exhausting cough, disturbing normal sleep, accompanied by vomiting, intense pain.

Antitussive drugs are divided into two main types:

1. Central action drugs - directly affect the cough center in the brain:

2. Preparations of peripheral action - depress the cough reflex due to the action on the nerve endings of the respiratory tract:

To expand the bronchi, activate the work of the respiratory system, dilute hard-to-remove viscous sputum, expectorants are used. These drugs are also divided into two groups:

1. Secretory drugs, stimulating reflex expectoration and contributing to an increase in the formation of bronchial secretions of liquid secretion (sputum). These funds are based on:

2. Mukoregulyatory, diluting thick sputum and promoting its retreat. These are such drugs as:

The listed medicinal preparations with dry cough can be used both orally (tablets, syrups, etc.), and by inhalation with a nebulizer or inhaler.

Preparations from dry cough on a plant basis

Also, dry coughs can be recommended lollipops or lozenges for absorption, enveloping and softening the irritated mucous membrane of the larynx. This, as a rule, means based on medicinal plants:

Recommendations for getting rid of dry cough

In order for dry cough to quickly go into the wet, you should:

  1. Use as much liquid as possible. It can be alkaline mineral water without gas, teas, herbal infusions, compotes, juices, milk with the addition of soda, etc. The liquid should not be hot or cold, but slightly warm.
  2. The room in which the patient is located needs to be ventilated and cleaned more often (wet cleaning), and also to monitor the normal level of moisture in the air.
  3. If a dry cough is accompanied by pain and a sore throat , rinses should be performed. To do this, you can use a soda solution, infusions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, sage, calendula, etc.).