Feel freezing - what to do?

Complaints about freezing feet in any weather - a fairly common phenomenon. This can be due to various reasons - the physiological characteristics of the body, wearing uncomfortable shoes and clothes, pathological processes in the body. In any case, this problem gives a lot of trouble, so it is necessary to fight it. Consider what to do if you always feel very cold feet.

My feet are cold - treatment

First of all, it is necessary to find out the cause of this phenomenon. Probably, for this purpose the help of the expert and carrying out of full diagnostics of an organism is required. In addition to treating the underlying disease, you can use general recommendations on what to do if the feet are always very cold:

  1. Part with bad habits. Smoking, drinking alcohol adversely affect the condition of the vessels. You should also moderate the consumption of coffee and strong tea.
  2. Train the vessels. To do this, you should take a daily shower , as well as contrasting foot baths. In summer it is recommended to walk barefoot on the grass, on the ground, on the bare floor in the apartment. Such procedures harden the vessels, help strengthen their walls and improve blood microcirculation.
  3. Practice physical exercises. Regular physical activity contributes to the improvement of blood supply to the limbs. Especially useful will be running, jumping, swimming, bicycle and scissors exercises.
  4. Pay attention to your shoes and clothes. It is recommended not to wear narrow, uncomfortable shoes, as well as pulling clothes (in particular, tights, jeans, socks), which squeezes the vessels and interferes with the normal process of heat exchange. Acquire only comfortable shoes and clothes made from natural materials.
  5. Pay attention to the food intake. Include in it a greater number of vitamins and trace elements that contribute to the normalization of vascular tone, as well as maintaining a sufficient level of hemoglobin in the blood. Useful products such as red fish, buckwheat porridge, liver, apples, radish, carrots, greens, raisins, dried apricots, etc. Before going out on the street in the cold season it is recommended to drink hot chicken broth.
  6. Massage your feet every day, preferably at bedtime. To do this, you can use a special warming cream, rubbing the entire surface of the feet with strong movements, as well as the ankles and calves.

Feel freezing - folk remedies

Warm cold feet can be, using the traditional medicine, presented below:

  1. A quick and effective way is an alcohol compress. To do this, moisten the plantar part of thin cotton socks with alcohol or vodka, and then put on socks on the preheated in hot water legs. Over these socks need to wear woolen.
  2. Excellent effect have salt foot baths. To this end, you should dissolve in a liter of hot water two tablespoons sea ​​salt, add 10 - 15 drops of rosemary oil , cloves or cinnamon and two tablespoons of milk (it is added to dissolve the essential oil). In addition, that in such a solution the feet warm quickly, the foot skin will soften and be saturated with nutrients.
  3. Every two months (4 times a year) it is recommended to have a one-month course to restore blood circulation. To this end, you should prepare a mixture of juices, combining a glass of beetroot juice, carrots, horseradish, juice of one lemon and a glass of honey. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator, take twice a day for two tablespoons for half an hour before meals.