Rosemary oil

The name of the evergreen shrub of rosemary from Latin is translated as marine dew. This name was given to the plant because of its growth along the Mediterranean seacoast. The plant has a complex coniferous-citrus aroma. Essential oil of rosemary is extracted from leaves, buds and flowers by distillation in a water-steam way.

Even the ancient Greeks used rosemary to stimulate memory and treat amnesia. Strengthening of mental activity was achieved by carrying out aromatherapy with the help of rosemary oil. And in our time, doctors advise to use this oil for patients with depressive conditions and various nervous disorders.

Who should use rosemary oil?

Essential oil of rosemary has different properties. But the most popular of them is the activation of mental activity. With increased mental stress or, on the contrary, if you are excessively fatigued from mental activity, it is enough to take a bath with 5 drops of rosemary oil or add 3-4 drops to the aroma lamp to regain confidence in your mental powers.

The analgesic effect of rosemary oil makes it possible to use it for headaches, muscle, heart pains. Used as a tonic for hypotension. Eliminates congestion in the lungs, liver and gallbladder. Normalizes the menstrual cycle.

How to use oil?

Essential oil of rosemary has the following uses:

Rosemary oil is a powerful aphrodisiac. It tones well, increasing the release of endorphins into the bloodstream, which increases sexual arousal.

Secrets of cosmetology

Essential oil of rosemary is considered an excellent care for the face, especially for people with problematic, oily skin. Oil perfectly cleanses the face from black dots, disinfects, tightens pores, regulates the production of sebum. In addition, it smooths the skin, smoothing the scars remaining after acne. Coarsened, dry skin, especially with cracks and heavily healing wounds, is also put in order with the help of oil. Anti-cellulite massages with the addition of rosemary oil in combination with other oils (orange, grapefruit, ginger, lime, cedar and mint) are very effective.

In order to use essential oil of rosemary as a remedy for acne, it is necessary to mix it with the base oil. Excellent qualities for this purpose are such base oils as sesame, cumin, grape seed oil. For one teaspoon of this oil is recommended to add no more than 3 drops of rosemary oil. A mixture of oils can handle pimples pointwise, alternating with compresses for 30 minutes.

Beautiful hair

The rosemary essential oil is also used in the preparation of hair masks. Such masks allow you to solve several problems at the same time or in particular. Just a couple drops of rosemary oil, added to a regular shampoo, will help solve the problem of dandruff. Usually, 15 procedures are carried out 2-3 times a week.

From hair loss, oil masks help. Mixture of olive oil with the addition of 5 drops of rosemary, applied to the scalp, and after the entire length of the hair for 40-50 minutes. To improve hair growth, you can prepare an oil mixture of 10 drops of rosemary oil, a teaspoon of wheat germ oil, jojoba and one egg yolk. The mask is applied to the scalp for 40 minutes and is done once a week, in 10 courses.