Purification of lymph by folk remedies

In lymph nodes, the body cleanses from accumulated harmful substances, preventing their absorption into the blood. Since the lymphatic system participates in the formation of immunity, it is important to carry out regular cleansing. Cleansing of lymph by folk remedies is one of the ways to maintain the health and protective functions of the body. Therefore, it is advised to carry out this procedure after the viral diseases, fungal infections, antibiotic and poisoning.

Licorice for the purification of lymph

The roots of this plant have found a wide distribution, both in official medicine and in the home. The presence of glycercetic acid in licorice, which facilitates the restoration of metabolic processes, allows the use of drugs for poisoning, intoxications and infections. Therefore, we clean the lymph with licorice, since it has a powerful detoxification effect.

The product should be present in the medicine cabinet in every home. After just ten days from the beginning of the treatment course, you will find positive changes:

Cleansing lymph with licorice

The root of licorice in tablets take one piece three times a day. In a mug with boiled warm water (temperature about 50 degrees) dissolve the pill. After taking a drink, the product needs coral water.

With this treatment, the lymph flow is normalized and its purification occurs. To strengthen the effect of licorice, along with a pill in the cup, you can put a leaf of cowberry, yarrow, or dog rose.

Consider how else to clean the lymph with licorice. For this recipe you will need:

After mixing, the preparation is drunk immediately. The procedure should be performed on an empty stomach.

You can also try to make a decoction of the plant yourself. For this:

  1. Dry licorice roots (spoon) are poured into a container and poured with water (glass).
  2. Keep in a water bath for thirty minutes.
  3. Drink the composition before meals on a spoon three times a day.

Purification of lymph with licorice and Enterosgel

Effective is a recipe with Enterosgelya , an obvious sorbent that allows you to purify the body and keep all the nutritional components:

  1. In a mug of warm water, a licorice syrup is bred (spoon).
  2. Taking this remedy, take Enterosgel (spoon), washing down with water.
  3. To start eating food is allowed after two hours.