The significance of moles on the body

Moles of strange outlines from a medical point of view can mean the manifestation of cancer cells, so doctors recommend watching changes in the shape and color of these formations. However, from an aesthetic point of view, there was always an ambiguous attitude toward birthmarks. So, in the Middle Ages the importance of birthmarks on the woman's body was one: a woman with a large birthmark was considered a witch. But in the era of the Renaissance women of fashion with the French king without a piquant flies on his face it was impossible to see, and of course natural moles were very popular.

What does the morphoscopy study?

Now the importance of moles on the body acquires a new color due to the oriental morphoscopists. Morphology is the area of ​​knowledge that studies the role of fingerprints on the body in the fate of people, including the importance of moles on the human body. If you remember the ancient belief, then we can conclude that the more birthmarks on the human body, the happier it is. However, the special significance of moles on the body can be attributed only to large, outstanding formations. Small birthmarks scattered throughout the body can not affect the character, destiny and ability of a person.

In oriental teachings, moles above the skin are a happy sign, especially if the mole is on the body of a fair-skinned person. For dark-skinned, the greater the location of moles on the body, morphoscopists are credited with black formations. Also, a special role is assigned to the side on which the mole acted: for the man, the right side of the body is more happy, and for the woman the left side.

The importance of moles on the body of a woman

Studying the body of a woman, it should be noted that a mole on the nose means that happiness is worth looking for a woman away from home. The location of the birthmark near the lips indicates that the woman will enjoy immense popularity in men until old age. If the mole is in the middle of the forehead, then its owner has a rugged nature. But the birthmark on the shoulder testifies to the desire of the woman to maintain her chastity, while the mole on her left breast says that this woman will be an excellent caring mother. If the mole is placed on the crown, then its owners like to philosophize, on the chin - very stubborn, on the right temple - with developed intuition, on the left temple - sentimental, on the cheekbone - determined. The value of moles on the body of the fair sex has a negative color, if the moles are located below the chest. If the placement of the birthmark is under the ribs, then the woman with her is a capricious person. The mole on the stomach indicates a late marriage and because of this lack of children. And the birthmark on the belly of a woman speaks of her cowardice and her inclination to eat a lot.

The value of moles on the body changes with their special location relative to each other. If they form a square shape or if a person has a birthmark in the shape of a spider, then this speaks of the hard trials coming in this person's life. If the moles are located as if on the perimeter of a triangle or oval of the right form, then this portends a good successful life path, fame and success in many endeavors.

Esotericists determine the importance of moles on the human body for 12 zones of their location. These zones correspond to 12 signs of the zodiac, and birthmarks and birthmarks located in the zone of their zodiac sign will play a determining role for the representative of each constellation.

The importance of moles on the body of a man

In order to understand the importance of moles on the body of a man, it is enough to know their significance in the fate of a woman, because the location of the birthmark has the same role on the life of both men and women. However, if the placement of the birthmark tells the woman about its success in the areas characteristic of the weaker sex (motherhood, home, tenderness, complaisance, etc.), then the owner of such moles has little femininity in his character and behavior.