Erysipelas of the hand

Erysipelas is one of the most common infectious skin diseases and at the same time is on the list of the most dangerous diseases caused by the infection. Complicating the situation is that the erysipelas in some cases have a different symptomatology and intensity, because of which treatment is difficult. Also, the disease can be caused by an operation intervention, such as a mastectomy and act as a complication.

Erysipelas can be infected directly from the carrier of infection, therefore, even with small skin lesions, it is recommended to limit contact with the patient.

Symptoms of erysipelas

Symptoms of erysipelas of the hand depend on the intensity of the disease. In most cases, first of all the disease manifests itself through a chill which is rapidly amplified. It is also accompanied by lethargy, weakness and drowsiness. Despite the ambiguity of the signs of the disease, it is still worthwhile to worry about their appearance and go to the doctor for an appointment so that you have a disease at the time.

Sometimes a patient, in the first hours after infection, may feel more obvious symptoms:

Such a condition of the patient can not be left without attention, so do not wait until the condition worsens, you must immediately call an ambulance or go to the doctor if there is such a possibility.

In some cases, the symptoms of erysipelas can be even more unpleasant - cramps, speech disorders and delusions. In this case, the bill goes for a minute, if you do not immediately seek help from medical professionals, then there is a threat of the shell of the brain, which can suffer from irritation.

If erysipelas of the hand occurs after a mastectomy (removal of the breast), then the affected arm begins to ache very badly. In this case, the erysipelas acts as a complication, and since the woman is under the supervision of a doctor, the disease usually appears in the first stages.

Erysipelas with lymphostasis

The most dangerous complication of hand lymphostasis is erysipelas. The disease develops because of ulcers, trophic disorders in venous and lymphatic insufficiency. Trigger hook for erysipelas is reduced immunity, during which there is an exacerbation. In this case, if erysipelas are detected, the severity of the disease is determined and the need for hospitalization is decided, since the erysipelas can also have complications in the form of:

How to treat erysipelas?

First of all, upon detection of erysipelas, the patient is hospitalized. Then the therapeutic course begins, which can last from seven to ten days. The treatment of erysipelas is based on antibiotics and detoxification preparations. If the medications are prescribed correctly and taken in accordance with the instructions, the chills and fever disappear after 24 hours, and the patient's condition improves significantly. Immediately after this, inflammation decreases and the level of pain decreases.

Erysipelas of the hand and fingers are unpleasant in that these parts of the body are always in motion - it is hard for a person to do ordinary actions without their participation. It is recommended to move your hands for the period of treatment and to complete recovery.

Three days after the start of antibiotic treatment with erysipelas, the diagnosis is reviewed and the severity of the disease is determined, after which the course of treatment may change.