The Fortune System

Popular system of fortune refers to a special type of sales of tourist stays. This is some kind of game of roulette. If we describe briefly what the "fortune system" is, the picture will be as follows: the tourist acquires a tour, but without binding to a specific hotel, that is, he does not have information about the place of residence. It is impossible to prepare in advance, after reading reviews on the Internet or promotional brochures. Those who chose to rest on the system of fortune, tour operators select hotels of a certain category of their choice. It is worth noting that the level of service in the hotel is always negotiated with the client.

The essence of the system

Purchasing tours on the fortune system, customers do not know where they will be settled upon arrival. Usually information about the hotel tour operator is reported for a day or two before departure, less often - at the airport of destination, when the tourist has already arrived in another country.

How and why there is an opportunity to organize a rest on the system of fortune from tour operators? The fact is that most travel agencies buy places in hotels for specific months. If there is a sudden overlap (overcrowding of the hotel, later withdrawal of the reservation, non-payment of the tour), the tour operator independently redistributes groups of tourists to hotels where there are available rooms. Since the list of hotels is limited, and they all provide a service of approximately the same level, the client who chooses to travel through the fortune system does not lose anything. That is, the description of the fortune system boils down to the fact that the client is, for example, not in the hotel "A", but in the "B", but at the same time - both have the same category.

The cost of the tour for such a system is lower than when choosing a particular hotel because it is determined by the cost of living in the cheapest hotel from all that is included in the pool of the operator.

Features and Risks

If you decide to consider the option of rest on fortune, please note that the names of this system for different operators may differ. For example, Pegasus calls it Rulettka, TEZ-Tour - TEZ-Express, and GTI - Bingo. In addition, this system has differences for different countries. Tour operators have an unspoken rule, which consists in the fact that there are many inexpensive directions for proposals on fortune, but not all of them are reliable, and vice versa. That is, offers on the system of fortune in hotels of a higher category are practically safe and, accordingly, are safe. It should be noted that for Greece, Cyprus, Italy and a number of European countries, the number of offers on the fortune system is extremely limited. This is due to the desire of tourists to get a pre-agreed and guaranteed service, albeit somewhat more expensive.

What are the risks associated with this type of recreation? First, unscrupulous travel agencies can specifically create such conditions, in which customers fall into bad hotels. To do this, they include in their pool one cheap hotel with a low level of service, and then conclude an agreement with its owner. Tourists are informed that there are no other places, but their claims are answered that fortune is fortune. The second option of "divorce" is that first they recruit a group to fill all the rooms in the hotel, and then they quickly sign a contract with him. Avoid this situation will only help purchase tour with a proven tour operator with a good reputation. Taking care of its authority, the operator will try to save you from the whims of fate, and leave will pass carelessly and in comfort.


If you belong to the category of people who before you make a decision need to check everything in advance, plan, tune, then the fortune system is not for you. Whatever it was, but there is always uncertainty and a share of risk. For those who prefer rest with elements of play and adventurism, fortune will save you money.

What other surprises await tourists? The fuel surcharge , which is not always reported, is not flown, illnesses and accidents in the event of which insurance is provided.