How to tie cucumbers in the open - the best ways and options

Knowing how to tie cucumbers in the open ground so that they get as much sunlight as possible, you can significantly increase not only the quantity of the crop, but also increase its quality. The importance of cucumber garters is not in doubt, but it is necessary to do it correctly and in the right time.

Why do you need a garter cucumber in the open ground?

Scourge cucumbers can reach a length of two meters, along which there are tendrils, capable of all clinging to. Therefore, when answering the question of whether to tie cucumbers, nature itself tells us that it is necessary to do this. There are a number of other reasons that also lead us to this decision:

When you need to tie cucumbers?

When cultivating cucumbers, perform all the necessary agrotechnical measures in time, note that the best moment when you need to tie cucumbers is the third or fourth week after planting, at this time the cucumber bush reaches thirty centimeters long and the first 4-5 leaves appear on it. Earlier this period, the plant does not need a garter, but later work on the garter carries the danger of injuring the stem of the plant, so it will be necessary to perform them carefully.

How to properly tie a cucumber in a garden?

There are different ways of tying cucumbers in the open ground, they are all aimed at making the plants get more sunlight, do not mesh with each other by the antennae and do not intertwine into tangles that are more easily affected by the fungus. Having learned how to properly tie cucumbers in the open ground, you will help plants to easily form side shoots with female flowers located on them, while improving their pollination and increasing yield. Garter is performed in the following ways:

Vertical garter cucumber in the open ground

The vertical method of gartering, is very convenient because in a small area it becomes possible to place up to two dozen cucumber bush. With this method, a support is used, an Π-shaped configuration having 2-3 meters in height, with ties attached to a horizontally placed strip or wire, ropes. Before you tie up the cucumber in the garden, make sure that each plant will have a separate rope, so that the bush bushes have their own individual supports, this will significantly help grow cucumbers and take care of them.

How to tie cucumbers vertically?

Experienced gardener, advising on how best to tie cucumbers, recommend to use wide fabric strips for the vertical garter, instead of thin, smooth ropes that should be tied around the main stem under the bottom leaves to avoid traumatizing the plant, this will allow the plant to stretch vertically along the support.

You can put a garter loop not on the cucumber bush, but on a peg hammered next to the ground, this way will protect the plant from injury. As a variety of this method, gardeners use high sticks-pegs individually for each plant, they are harvested in advance, according to the number of cucumber bushes, and then tied a cucumber to them.

How to tie cucumbers on a grid?

Before you tie the cucumbers in the open ground, check out the various methods and choose a more acceptable one. Many vegetable growers, based on their own experience, recommend the use of a mesh (trellis) in the form of a structure for tying cucumbers growing in the open ground, this variant has the following positive features:

In accordance with their capabilities, you can choose one of the options for how to make a garter for cucumbers based on the grid, it can be manufactured:

Cucumbers lashes do not get caught by the net on their own, they need to be helped by tying them up in rows to the supports. When the plant reaches 12-15 cm in height, fasten the first two leaves to the bottom of the grid. After the appearance of several regular leaves and side shoots, fix them on the grid, higher than the previous ones. Grow thongs through the grid in staggered order, after reaching the upper cells, the top of the plant pinch, this will cause the bush to stop growing and cause the development to continue in the sides.

Garter cucumber pyramid

Considering the different options for garter cucumbers, it is worth mentioning the hybrid method, which includes the construction of the pyramid. The structure is a cone, for the construction of which high stakes or metal rods are used, which are connected at the top of the structure at an inclination of 65-70 degrees. A pyramid is installed in the middle of the round bed, in which 10 to 20 cucumbers are planted.

You can build a pyramid in another way, for this, in the middle of a cucumber "flower bed" you need to install a three-meter pole (or pipe), with hooks attached to it. Then, from the peg hammered into the ground, near each cucumber bush, a string is stretched to the hook, wrapped around it and returns to the next peg. The result is a structure that, like a cucumber vine, resembles a Christmas tree. This method is one of the cheapest, while the pyramids on the site look unusual and very attractive, decorate the garden.

How to tie cucumbers under arches?

Thinking about how to tie cucumbers on the street, many people want to do this in a simple but convenient way, while constructing something like a mini-greenhouse that creates favorable conditions for the growth of this vegetable culture in the open ground. Instead of "grandfather's ways", you can install over beds with cucumbers, metal or plastic arcs, with attached to them fabric strips or ropes, which will then be tied with cucumber whips.

Such a design will become the basis of a mini-greenhouse, an awning for it, can be made of a fabric that will let rainwater pass, while protecting cucumbers from the sun and creating a favorable, moistened microclimate. Knowing how to tie cucumbers in the open ground to arcs, in addition to the task of correctly locating the cucumber, the problem of the correct application of agricultural techniques necessary for this vegetable culture is being solved.

Which way to spin cucumbers with a garter?

When answering the question of how to tie cucumbers better, we draw your attention to the fact that it is not necessary to tie a plant to a support or stretched ropes, leaving an opportunity for the further development of cucumber lashes. Growing up, the cucumber spins independently, turning behind the sun. Solving the problem of how to tie cucumbers in the open ground, determine for them the most advantageous position, which will help maximize the use of sun rays, facilitate access to the plant for agrotechnical activities.

The best way to fasten the twine to the trellis is a special sliding knot for garter cucumber, tie it a little harder than normal, but it will allow it to move up the vertical trellis, adding the extra length needed for the growing cucumber bushes. Experienced gardener, using a garter of cucumbers, use a sliding loop, which helps to relax the tension of the twine, in case of shrinkage of loose soil, especially if the beds are high.

Device for gartering cucumbers in the garden

In recent years, more and more often you can meet in the kitchen gardens, in the suburban areas - trellises , appliances that facilitate the care of cucumbers in the open space. This construction for garter cucumber is easy in the device, it provides favorable conditions for the growth of cucumber bushes. The use of trellises improves the quality of the crop, the fruits are clearly visible on them, they are assembled on time, without escaping.

The use of tapestry makes it possible to rationally use the area of ​​the site, creating comfortable conditions (the necessary illumination, the possibility of airing) to the plants themselves. Cucumber bushes, tied to trellises, easier to avoid infection with various diseases , they have a longer fruiting period. These structures can be made in the form of walls, pyramids, have an arcuate shape, be placed horizontally or vertically, the main conditions - they must be strong, stable and comfortable for you and plants.

Ropes for garter cucumber

In order to qualitatively perform a cuff garter, without damaging the bushes, think about the materials used in advance. Each case has its secrets, therefore, in order to perform the garter procedure, you should familiarize yourself with what rope to tie cucumbers. The use of twine made of synthetic material (nylon, nylon) is undesirable, its smooth surface, will allow the cucumber vine, weighted with leaves and fruits, to slide down.

Experienced gardener advise to use for this purpose garters made of wide strips of fabric, using which can be reliably, but gently, to attach the plants to the support, avoiding traumatic injuries of the stems. For the manufacture of garters, the remnants of old cotton fabrics are used, the only shortcomings of which are their fragility.

Hooks for garter cucumber in the greenhouse

The use of various devices simplifies and makes it more convenient to arrange the cucumber bush. The use of hooks serves to control the length of the ropes, which can be lowered or tightened if necessary. Special, U-shaped pins for garter cucumbers make it much easier to fasten ropes in greenhouses, and they securely hold the trellis.

Frame for garter cucumber

The device for gartering cucumbers on a bed, the so-called frame, can be made independently of a mesh, plastic, metal or wooden racks, slats, arches. The main requirement is its strength, it must withstand the load formed by heavy shoots and fruits. Having become acquainted with the tips telling how it is more efficient to tie cucumbers in the open ground, it will be easier for you to choose the method that is more suitable for your plants, the ease of care and layout of the site, and also to determine the structure of the frame.