The child has a fever of 38 without symptoms

In most cases, the fever in a child can be explained by a cold disease, because it is accompanied by a severe cough, nasal congestion, pain and discomfort in the throat and other signs of such ailments. ARVI in children is quite common, and almost all young mothers already know what to do in case of bad health of their child.

If the temperature of the child has risen above 38 degrees, but it passes without the symptoms of colds, most parents begin to worry very much and do not know how to behave. In this article, we will tell you what this can be related to, and what needs to be done in this situation.

Why does the child have a fever of 38 without symptoms of a cold?

Raising the body temperature in a child up to 38 degrees and above without symptoms of a cold can have different causes, for example:

  1. In crumbs up to a year, the cause of such a rise in temperature can be a banal overheating. This is because the thermoregulation system in newborn babies is not completely formed, which is especially noticeable in those babies who were born before the term.
  2. In addition, a newly born baby has a fairly long period of adaptation to new conditions of life. If some babies relatively calmly survive this time, then the other is much harder - against the background of adaptation they have a marked increase in temperature, and sometimes even convulsions. This phenomenon is called a transient fever and is completely normal for infants whose age does not exceed half a year. Again, in preterm babies, the adaptation period is much more difficult and lasts longer.
  3. Often the temperature of 38 in a child without signs of a cold occurs within a few days after vaccination. Most often this situation is observed in cases when a "live" vaccine was used. Since in response to vaccination in the child's body is the development of immunity, it is often accompanied by a rise in temperature.
  4. A strong fever in a child almost always occurs due to inflammation in the child's body. If the cause of this inflammation lies in a viral infection, it is always accompanied by the usual signs of a cold. If a child has a temperature above 38 degrees that lasts for 2-3 days without symptoms of the disease, most likely, his immune system is actively fighting bacteria. Under such circumstances, as a rule, local manifestations of the disease occur later.
  5. The cause of inflammation, which causes a fever in a child, can become and all kinds of allergic reactions. In this case, the allergen can be anything, - medicines, food, household chemicals and so on.
  6. Finally, the cause of fever to a level of 38 degrees without signs of colds can be teething. Although some doctors believe that the period of dentistry can not be accompanied by a strong fever, many children endure it that way.

What should parents do?

To begin with, it is necessary to ensure that the baby has the right care - to give him a drink more often, preferring warm tea and compote of dried fruits, to regularly ventilate the room and keep the air temperature in it no higher than 22 degrees, and also to feed light food and only if the child has an appetite.

If the temperature does not exceed 38.5 degrees, and the child tolerates it normally, it is not recommended to use antipyretic drugs. The exception is weakened children with chronic diseases, as well as infants who have not reached the age of 3 months. If this threshold is exceeded, you can give syrup "Nurofen" or "Panadol" in a dosage corresponding to its age and weight.

As a rule, with the provision of the necessary conditions for the child, the temperature of his body returns to normal values ​​in a few hours and does not rise again. If the fever persists for 3 days, consult a doctor, regardless of the presence of other symptoms.