How to Make Morse from Cowberry

To preserve the vitamin composition of the drink, the resulting sugar broth is combined with fresh juice and served ready to drink to the table. There are many ways how to prepare mors from cowberry and at the same time preserve the medicinal properties of the drink, we will consider the basic recipes.

Morse from frozen lingonberry - recipe

Frozen berries allow you to prepare fruit drinks at any time of the year. Cowberry berries keep a healthy supply when frozen and do not lose it during heat treatment, the main thing is to unfreeze them naturally.



Defrost the berries of cranberries and chop them in a meat grinder to a consistency of mashed potatoes. Combine the berries with sugar and transfer to a deep saucepan. Pour the mixture with clean water, bring to a boil and simmer for several minutes. Finished mors strain and cool.

Morse from cranberries and cowberries - recipe

The classic combination of two berries, used in many winter vitamin preparations, is also used in the preparation of mors, saturating the drink with a sweet and sour taste.



Wipe the cranberries with cranberries through a sieve. The resulting juice is sent to cool, and squeezes mix with sugar in a deep pot and pour with drinking water. Warm up the drink for several minutes without boiling. Cool the mors, strain through a sieve and mix with berry juice. Ready berry juice is used chilled.

Morse from cowberry without cooking - recipe

A simple and quick recipe that is perfect for daily use as a preventive drink in the winter.



Rinse and rinse fresh berries of red bilberry. Put them in a deep sealed container and fill with boiling water. Add sugar, mint and close the container, wrapped. Insist the drink for several hours, strain the liquid through a sieve, and crush the berries to squeeze out the pulp. The finished mors must be at room temperature.

Morse from cranberries for the winter

The correct preparation of cranberry mors will help preserve the taste of this product during long-term storage. Before boiling the mors from the cranberries, carefully scrape the berries and pour them with boiling water for more juiciness. The quality of the berries determines the taste of the drink.



Rinse the berries in a meat grinder, add a little water, leading everything to the consistency of the porridge. Strain, using a strainer, juice and place to cool. Berry pomace with water, add mint and cook for a few minutes, then strain again. In a clean broth pour the juice of lemon, add sugar and heat until the sugar dissolves completely. Pour into the drink pure berry juice, bring to a boil and pour over a sterile container. Finish the mors covered with lids and store in the cold.

Morse from cowberries in a multivark



Press prepared bilberry berries. The resulting juice is placed in the refrigerator, and the squeezes are mixed with sugar, pour water and place in the bowl multivarka. Turn on steam mode, set the timer for a quarter of an hour and prepare a drink. Pour in the juice, hold the juice for a couple of minutes, turn off the program and cool the mors in the bowl. Finished mors strain and cool.