What can I plant after cabbage?

Observance of the rules of crop rotation on its site helps to avoid unilateral depletion of soil, spread of diseases and reproduction of insects. With a competent fructification, the predecessors become a good help for the development of the next culture. The yield of garden-garden from this is only a gain.

What can be planted in a garden after cabbage?

Inexperienced gardeners may not know what can be sown and what grows well after cabbage. So, cabbage is a good predecessor for tomatoes, potatoes and onions.

The rules of agrotechnology prescribe not to plant tomatoes in the place where potatoes grew, because they have the same pests and diseases. But cabbage is an excellent predecessor for a tomato. The same, only in reverse order, concerns the potato. After tomatoes it can not be planted, but after cabbage - it is very possible and necessary.

As for the onion, it begins to grow poorly after 3-4 years of planting in the same place. To get a good harvest of onions, you need to plant it in the place of crops, under which a lot of organic materials were introduced. These include cabbage.

What else can you plant after the cabbage - after it grow well eggplant and Jerusalem artichoke. But there is also something that can not be planted after cabbage. These are cucumbers, pumpkin, radish, turnips and carrots.

Neighborhood of cabbage with other crops

If we talk about the simultaneous planting of cabbage and other crops, good onions for her are onions, all kinds of lettuce, dill, celery, shrub beans . Dill will scare away its scent of caterpillars and aphids, protect celery from cabbage fly and earthen fleas, and the onion will also scare away the cabbage fly.

He loves cabbage and the neighborhood with aromatic herbs like hyssop, mint, wormwood, chemist's chamomile, chaiber and sage. All of them drive away from the cabbage a variety of pests, laying larvae in cabbage leaves.