Laryngitis - symptoms and treatment in adults of all forms of the disease

Laryngitis is very common - symptoms and treatment in adults can be somewhat different depending on its degree and the presence of other ailments in the body. The very same disease is a pathological process associated with damage to the mucous membrane of the larynx. More often the disease proceeds against a background of catarrhal diseases.

What is laryngitis and how dangerous is it?

Translated from the Latin language, the word "Laryngitis" means "larynx", which in itself indicates a lesion zone. The main causative agents of the disease:

The following factors can provoke the development of this pathology:

This disease requires immediate medical attention. The doctor will help the patient to understand what is laryngitis, select the best and most effective treatment. In time, the therapy will accelerate the process of recovery and help to avoid negative consequences. Complications can occur very serious, some of them are fraught with a fatal outcome.

Acute laryngitis

A pathology of this form can exist as an independent disease or be a companion of a viral infection. The disease begins with a dry cough, sore throat and painful sensations when swallowing. With time, sputum begins to form, the larynx swells. Acute laryngitis in adults is dangerous. It can lead to such consequences:

Chronic laryngitis

This form of the disease occurs in the following types:

Such inflammation of the laryngeal mucosa can be provoked by the following factors:

Complications of laryngitis

It is important to remember that the risk of negative consequences is great. Most of them are treatable, but some pose a serious threat to health. More often the inflammation of the larynx provokes such complications:

Laryngitis symptoms and treatment in adults are special. Careful attention to the patient's condition should be given if the following symptoms are manifested:

Laryngitis - Symptoms

The acute form of the disease is characterized by the sudden appearance of symptoms. This disease is accompanied by a clinical picture:

The chronic form has periods of exacerbation and remission. Sometimes it can take place without obvious signs. Symptoms of laryngitis in adults are often manifested:

The temperature with laryngitis

Fever is a protective reaction of the body, which indicates that there is an active struggle with the causative agent of the problem. With laryngitis, disease-causing bacteria settle on the laryngeal mucosa: they multiply intensively, causing inflammation. Such pathological processes provoke the synthesis of pyrogens and lead to an increase in body temperature.

Bacterial inflammation of the larynx symptoms is pronounced. In this case, subfebrile fever is observed. This increase in temperature improves local immunity. The activity of "provocateurs" decreases: this further leads to a regress of the inflammatory process, the destruction of the pathogenic flora and the minimization of the symptoms of the disease.

Viral laryngitis symptoms and treatment in adults are similar to those that occur in the bacterial form of the disease. However, with this type of pathology, a high temperature is observed. It can rise to 39 ° C. In this temperature regime, the activity of pathogenic microorganisms decreases. Simultaneously, interferon is produced. This substance prevents penetration of pathogens into mucosal cells.

Throat with laryngitis

Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx is accompanied by such signs:

Cough with laryngitis

Signs of inflammation of the larynx at different stages of the disease appear with varying intensity. For example, a cough: it happens of such kinds:

  1. Dry - accompanies the ailment at the initial stage of its development. In the early days of pathological lesion even the impression is created that the therapy does not give a visible result.
  2. Barking - accompanied by a noisy breathing with a screech.
  3. Wet - is considered productive. It allows you to remove the swelling of the mucosa and ease the condition.

Laryngospasm in adults

This is a pathological process in which a sudden contraction of the muscles of the larynx occurs. This phenomenon is unconscious. It can be accompanied by tracheospazmom. In addition, laryngospasm has such additional manifestations:

If there is an easy form of the disease, the laryngeal edema with laryngitis is accompanied by short-term attacks. They last no more than two minutes. At the first stage of the development of the disease, spasms occur 2-3 times a day, mainly in the daytime. However, as the situation worsens, their frequency and intensity increase. Such attacks, if not damped, can lead to death.

Laryngospasm is an emergency for adults

In time, the measures taken will help save human life.

If laryngospasm has occurred, first aid is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to put the patient on a firm flat horizontal surface.
  2. It is necessary to remove the outer clothing, facilitating the access of air to the lungs.
  3. When there are irritants nearby, they need to be removed.

If confirmed laryngitis, symptoms and treatment in adults with spasm are aimed at alleviating the condition of the patient. The first medical aid is rendered as follows:

  1. A slight attack - 2.5 mg of Salbutamol is injected through the nebulizer. Duration of the procedure is about 15 minutes.
  2. The moderate attack is stopped by Salbutamol. Enter 5 mg of the drug for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Severe attack - spasm is removed by Berodual (2-3 ml) and Budesonide (2000 μg). These drugs enter the body through a nebulizer. Also, 120 mg of prednisolone is administered intravenously.
  4. The asthmatic status of the attack - spasm is stopped by Salbutamol (5 mg), Budesonide (2000 μg) and Berodual (3 ml). These drugs are delivered to the body through a nebulizer. In addition, it is recommended to administer 120 mg of prednisolone intravenously.

Laryngitis - treatment in adults

Before proceeding to therapy, the doctor will prescribe a preliminary study. During the diagnosis the doctor will recommend such manipulations:

The general scheme of treatment of this ailment is as follows:

  1. Reduction of loads on the larynx (silence).
  2. Exclusion from the diet of food irritating the mucous membrane (acute, saline and so on).
  3. Refusal from smoking and alcoholic drinks.
  4. Warm, plentiful drink.
  5. Reception of medicines and use of folk "preparations".

Medications for laryngitis in adults

With local and general therapy, these groups of drugs are used:

Antibiotics for laryngitis are prescribed only in those cases when in the diagnostic examination of the patient it was confirmed that the disease has a bacterial origin. For treatment of such pathology, the following drugs are more often used:

Inhalation with laryngitis

In the fight against this disease, nebulizer therapy is prescribed. If laryngitis is diagnosed (symptoms and signs are appropriate), such treatment in adults and children is considered the safest and most effective. The nebulizer is used for inhalation. This device is a special chamber, where the drug is introduced, which during the procedure turns into an aerosol. Used can Pulcicort for laryngitis. However, this is not the only drug prescribed to fight the disease. The most commonly used medicines of such groups are:

Before treating laryngitis with inhalations, you need to carefully study the contraindications to the implementation of these procedures. These include the following phenomena:

Treatment of inflammation of the larynx by folk remedies

To facilitate the condition in complex therapy, "alternative drugs" can also be used. However, treatment of laryngitis at home should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since self-healing can cause severe damage to the body. In addition, all folk "drugs" have a mild effect, so if an attack occurs, only medicamentous drugs are used to stop it.

How to treat laryngitis at home - a recipe for miracle-drugs


Preparation, application

  1. A pan of water is put on the stove.
  2. When the liquid boils, throw the fruit there and cook on low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  3. The broth is filtered (the fruits must be removed) and enriched with honey and cognac.
  4. Drug is cooled. Take it every half hour for 1 tbsp. spoon, enriching with 1 drop of propolis extract.

How to treat inflammation of the larynx with a garlic "preparation"?


Preparation, application

  1. Peeled teeth from the skin should be crushed in a gruel (on a grater or with the help of a scabbard).
  2. The resulting mass should be mixed with honey.
  3. Take the drug you need 1 tbsp. spoon before going to bed, washing down with water.

It is important to know not only how to treat laryngitis in adults, but also how to prevent the occurrence of spasms. The following preventive measures will help in this: