Self-harmony on pine nuts - good and bad

The large perennial cedar tree impresses with its power and size, its life cycle lasts about 200 years, the altitude often reaches 50 meters, the natural growth zone of the tree is the Siberian taiga. Fruiting begins after the age of 20-30 years, the ovary matures about 15 months, and about 150 fruits form in the cone. The harvest from one tree can reach up to 12 kg.

The composition of nuts is very rich in vitamins, microelements, amino acids, they are eaten fresh or taken as tinctures, in particular, alcohol-containing - about them and talk.

Benefit and harm of moonshine, infused with pine nuts

Getting into an alcoholic environment, nuts give all their benefits, so the resulting liquid becomes a concentrate of vitamins and trace elements, among them: vitamins of group B , A, C, D, E, P. A number of microelements gives tincture of pine nuts on moonshine use for human body, namely:


All of the above components make the tincture a powerful remedy for pain in the joints, high blood pressure, rheumatism, decreased vision, swelling of the tissues, digestive disorders, gout, skin lesions, used to improve immunity and general tone of the body. There are cases of improvement of conditions in oncology formations and tuberculosis. With thermal burns, ulcers manifestations on the skin, pain in the joints and treatment of long-healing wounds - use tinctures in the form of compresses.

Along with the healing properties, moonshine on pine nuts can cause harm. Contraindications:

Let immunity be strong, Siberian health, like cedar, and remember that alcohol should be used responsibly.