Spring treatment of currant from pests

Spring has come into its own, and on the very first warm days you are planning a trip to the country site? Be sure to bypass the garden and vegetable estates to assess how your plants survived the winter. Particular attention at the beginning of the growing season, when the kidneys have not yet begun to actively expand, it is necessary to give bush berries. Malinnik and currant bushes - among them.

It is not at all surprising that every gardener dreams of a good harvest of berries, but to implement this dream in the spring it is necessary to carry out a number of works. About what and how to do, we will tell in this article.

Stage one: general cleaning

Spring is an important period for summer residents, because it is during this period that the foundation of a good harvest of berries is laid. And the work should begin with the cleaning of bushes. It consists in pruning dry, damaged by diseases and broken branches. If this is not done, the vital forces of the bush will be spent on these branches, which, alas, will not bear fruit any more. After this, it is necessary to cut off those branches of the bush to the first shoots, which under the snow cap were pressed down to the surface of the earth. In general, on the middle bush of the currant should remain about 13-15 uneven-aged branches. Pay attention to the top of each shoot. If it froze during the winter, then the apex should be shortened to the first healthy kidney.

After the spring cleaning, all cut branches should be burned immediately. Why? The fact is that it is in this salutary environment that pests winter, which with the advent of spring are activated. How to deal with pests of currants, we will discuss in the next section.

Stage two: pests - on the way out!

As already mentioned, the spring treatment of currant from pests begins with the burning of plant debris, in which pests live. Then proceed to digging the soil around the bushes and in the aisles. This procedure allows damage to nests and large clusters of larvae, spores. And fertilizers penetrate into the ground better.

Further, the fight against pests of the currant is aimed at, and for this it is necessary to identify the enemy. Than to process a currant from pests depends on a kind of these most pests. If aphids were found before the buds blossom on the bushes, then it is necessary to treat the plants with furanone. At the same stage a good result gives scalding the bushes with steep boiling water. Do not be afraid to damage the plant! Only parasites will suffer. In the presence of leaves and before the appearance of inflorescences, tanrek, rovi-chickens, Bordeaux mixture or carbofos are used. In the future, the phase of vegetation is of no importance and measure the control of pests of currants one - infusion of garlic (100 grams per liter of water, insist 24 hours, strain) with laundry soap (15 grams per 4 liters of water). Five liters of the resulting solution will be enough to handle ten bushes.

Powdery mildew is a common problem. Treatment of the currant in spring from such pests is in a timely and Regular spraying of soil and bushes with a solution of foundation (15 grams per 10 liters of water) or copper vitriol (100 grams per 10 liters of water). A protection of currant from pest-fungi, called anthracnose, is the regular treatment of plants with a solution of ash or Bordeaux mixture.

And, finally, an important piece of advice. Before trying out a new drug on the currant bushes, be sure to read the instructions! Never exceed the recommended concentration. This will not help to get rid of pests faster and more efficiently, but, on the contrary, will lead to the hope of getting a good harvest to zero.