Fighting the fruit moth on the apple tree

Many problems and difficulties are always easier to prevent than to solve in the already existing situation. It is this assertion that is very useful in the struggle against the fruit flies on the apple tree . The thing is that there are only a few drugs, you need to know about certain features and subtleties.

How to save apple from the moth?

Absolutely, any inexperienced summer resident will look for an unequivocal advice when treating apple trees from a moth. It is quite logical: if you start work on time, the situation will be aggravated. But just here is the first subtlety: the second generation butterflies are already beginning their years, when the first generation did not finish it yet. And this means that the entire period you will encounter immediately with all stages of the moth. That is why it is impossible to answer the question, when to process apple-trees from the moth, can not be a specific number or period.

Many summer residents forget about this. And in fact, from about May until September, the problem with the fruit mullet on the apple tree remains urgent. So, what really can make a summer resident in his garden, so as not to get a crop, covered with wormholes:

  1. Once the garden has faded, we place traps with kvass. What does this give us: as soon as you notice the first butterfly, you can begin to process the garden.
  2. It is especially important than to spray the apple tree with the moth. Not every store will tell you about the mechanism of the effect of this or that remedy. In short, one can say that some affect the processes of the life of an insect, others act as nerve impulses. Why is this important: if you use a completely different drug, you avoid adapting the insect to chemicals, and will also strike on all fronts. First, choose from the group of the strongest pyrethroids paralyzing the insect (Kinmix, Karate) or neonicotinoids, which also slows down the activity. Then we use more new means, which do not yet cause habituation to the insect: Sonnet, Bancol. We will use them in a couple of weeks.
  3. In the fight against the fruit flies on the apple tree, the hormonal group of drugs is considered to be the most effective. They include "Dimelin", "Insegar", "Koragen". If you use pairs of strong modern tools in two ways, the fruit mullet on the apple tree is not terrible for you.