Polyp during pregnancy

The formation of the polyp during pregnancy occurs as a result of the proliferation of the mucous membrane directly in the uterine neck. The cause of this disorder, as a rule, is a change in the hormonal background.

What is a cervical polyp, formed during pregnancy?

This education in itself is not pathological, but it requires observation by doctors.

In appearance, the polyp is an outgrowth protruding from the mucous membrane. This happens, the so-called decidualization (proliferation) of tissue, because of what this education is called decidual.

As a rule, the polyp is very well supplied with small, blood vessels. Precisely because of their traumatization, blood can be isolated. In such cases, future mothers note the appearance, for reasons unintelligible to them, of unpronounced, bloody discharge. This is how the polyp, formed during pregnancy, is diagnosed at an early stage. the person who has applied for a pregnancy is found to have an education in the cervical canal.

What causes the decidual polyp of the cervical canal during pregnancy?

As already mentioned above, the main cause of this disorder is a change in the hormonal background, in particular - an increase in the concentration of estrogens in the body. In addition, the polyp can be formed as a result of:

It is worth noting and the fact that often the polyp itself takes place before the onset of pregnancy, but in view of the absence of symptoms, a woman does not know about its presence.

How is treatment carried out?

In most cases, with such a violation, doctors monitor education, making sure that it does not increase. In those cases when the polyp during pregnancy strongly krovit, operative treatment is shown. The same is also prescribed for:

Particular attention is paid to the so-called placental polyp during pregnancy. In such cases, the expansion of the uterine endometrium occurs directly at the site of attachment of the placenta to the wall of the uterus. This phenomenon is dangerous because there is a possibility of partial placental abruption and premature birth.