15 natural phenomena that are still a mystery for scientists

Despite the development of science, there are still many phenomena in nature that scientists can not explain. Strange migration of butterflies, deadly funnels and fireballs, all this and much more in our selection.

Natural phenomena do not cease to amaze people. Many of them still cause a lot of questions among scientists who can not explain the reason for their occurrence. Let's get acquainted with the most mysterious phenomena of nature, perhaps you will have your own version of their origin.

1. Butterfly-travelers

For a long time zoologists of North America have noticed that annually millions of butterflies-monarchs fly away for a winter period to a distance of more than 3 thousand km. After the research it was established that they migrate to the mountain forest of Mexico. In addition, scientists have found that butterflies always settle only in 12 of the 15 mountain areas. However, it remains a mystery how they are guided. Some scientists put forward the theory that the position of the Sun helps them in this, but at the same time it gives only a general direction. Another version is the attraction of geomagnetic forces, but this has not been proved. Only recently, scientists began to actively study the navigation system of butterflies-monarchs.

2. Abnormal rain

Many will be surprised by the fact that not only drops of water, but also representatives of the animal world, can fall from the sky. There are cases when this strange phenomenon took place in different countries. For example, in Serbia they saw frogs falling from the sky, in Australia - perches, and in Japan - frogs. After collecting the information, the biologist Valdo MacEti published his work "Rain from organic substances" in 1917, but there is no scientific explanation, as well as actual evidence, to abnormal precipitation. The only one who tried to explain the cause of this phenomenon was the French physicist. He thought that this was due to the fact that a strong wind lifts the animals, and then throws them to the ground in certain places.

3. Fireball

Since the era of Ancient Greece, there is much evidence of the appearance of ball lightning, often accompanying a thunderstorm. It is described as a luminous sphere that can even penetrate into the rooms. Scientists still can not confirm this phenomenon, since they do not go out to study it normally. Nikola Tesla was the first and only one who could reproduce fireball in the laboratory, and he did it in 1904. Today there is a theory that it is a plasma or light that appears as a result of a chemical reaction.

4. Unusual surf

A familiar phenomenon is the wave rolling on the shore, which in most cases has a straight form, and can be limited by the height of sand or other obstacles. However, an unusual phenomenon can be seen on the coast of Dorsetshire in the south of England. The thing is that here the sea wave during the movement to the coast at some point splits and already in this state continues the movement. Some see in such a wave an algebraic curve that in a certain place is divided into several branches having the same direction. However, the real cause of this phenomenon is unknown, except that it is more often observed after a storm.

5. Drawings on the sand

Everyone who has ever made flights over the coastal desert of Peru, saw different drawings of enormous sizes. For all the time, many theories of their origin have been put forward, one of which is a cryptic message to aliens. However, until now, it is not known who was the author of these works of art. Historians believe that the drawings were created by the people of Nazca, who lived in this territory in the period from 500 BC. and up to 500 AD. Initially it was believed that geoglyphs are part of the astronomical calendar, but it was not possible to confirm this information. In 2012, scientists in Japan decided to open a research center in Peru and for 15 years to study all the drawings in order to find out all the information about them.

6. The strange jelly

Just imagine that jelly can be seen not only in a dessert bowl, but also in the wild. Jelly-like consistency is found on bushes, trees and grass. The first mention of such finds dates back to the 14th century, but to date scientists have not been able to find an explanation for this phenomenon. Despite the fact that there are a huge number of versions, it is problematic to study the phenomenon, since this strange mass not only appears unexpectedly, but also evaporates rapidly, leaving no trace behind it.

7. Moving stones in the desert

In California, there is a dried lake, which is located in the Valley of Death, it is an inexplicable phenomenon - the movement of huge stones weighing up to 25 kg. Of course, if you look directly at them, the movement will not be noticeable, but the geologists' research has shown that they have shifted over a distance of more than 200 m in 7 years. Until now, there is no explanation for this phenomenon, but there are several assumptions. Many scientists believe that the combination of strong wind, ice and seismic vibrations is the cause of all this. All this significantly reduces the frictional force between the stone and the surface of the earth. However, this theory is not confirmed by 100%, in addition, recently, the movement of stones is not observed.

8. Unexplained outbreaks

Today, on the Internet, you can find a lot of photos that show flashes in the sky of different colors accompanying the earthquake. The first person who drew attention and began to study them was the physicist Cristiano Ferouga from Italy. However, until the middle of the last century, many scientists were skeptical about the appearance of these auroras. The outbreaks were officially certified in 1966 thanks to a photo of the Matsushiro earthquake in Japan. Many agree that flares are heat, which is formed as a result of friction of lithospheric plates. The second alleged cause is the electric charge accumulating in the quartz rocks.

9. Green Beam

Sunset and sunrise - a very beautiful phenomenon, which many people like to observe. However, few people managed to see the rare optical effect that appears at the time of the disappearance or appearance of the Sun on the horizon, more often the sea. In most cases, this phenomenon is manifested under two conditions: clean air and the sky without a single cloud. Most of the recorded moments are flashes of up to 5 seconds, but longer shines are also known. It happened at the South Pole, when the American pilot and explorer R. Baird was on the next expedition. The man assured that the ray formed at the end of the polar night, when the sun appeared above the horizon and moved along it. He observed it for 35 minutes. Scientists have not yet been able to determine the cause and nature of this natural phenomenon.

10. Giant stone balls

When the United Fruit Company cleared land for future banana plantations in Costa Rica in 1930, mysterious stones were discovered. They turned out to be more than a hundred, while some reached 2 m in diameter and were almost ideal spherical shape. To understand the purpose for which ancient people created stones (the locals call them Las Bolas) there is no possibility, since written data on the culture of the indigenous population of Costa Rica were destroyed. The only thing that could be determined is the approximate age of these giants - this is 600-1000 AD. Initially, there were many theories of their appearance, the most popular are the lost cities or the work of space aliens. However, after a while anthropologist John Hoops denied them.

11. Sudden awakening of cicadas

An amazing event occurred in 2013 in the east of America - from the ground began to appear cicadas (a kind of Magicicada septendecim), which on this land was last seen in 1996. It turns out that the period of 17 years is the life span of these insects. The awakening takes place for reproduction and deposition of larvae. The most incredible thing is that after a 17-year hibernation insects are active only 21 days, after which they die. Scientists continue to wonder how the cicadas know that it's time to wake up and leave the place of hibernation.

12. Fireballs

In the northeast of Thailand, everyone can observe an unusual phenomenon occurring on the Mekong River. Once a year on the surface of the water appear luminous balls the size of a chicken egg. They rise up to a height of 20 m and disappear. More often than usual it happens on the eve of Pavarana's holiday in October. Despite the fact that scientists have not yet found an explanation for this phenomenon, locals are confident that the fireballs create the Naga with the head and torso of a man.

13. Strange remains

Sometimes scientists make discoveries that plunge them into shock and make them think that many established theories are wrong. Such phenomena include fossil remains of people, which are periodically found where they should not be. Such discoveries provide new information about the origin of man, but some of them are erroneous and even mystical. One of the most famous is the find in 1911, when archaeologist Charles Dawson found fragments of an ancient man with a large enough brain that lived about 500 thousand years ago. At that time, scientists believed that this creature is the missing link between humans and monkeys. However, after a while, more accurate studies disproved this theory and showed that this skull belongs to a monkey and is no more than 1 thousand years old.

14. Bourdie's Funnels

On the southern coast of Lake Michigan there are sand dunes, which in average reach an average of 10-20 m. The most notable in this area is the Baldi Hill, whose height reaches 37 m. Recently, this area has become dangerous to people. The thing is that in the sand periodically appear funnels of a huge size, into which people fall. In 2013, a 6-year-old child was in such a pit. The baby was saved, but just imagine that it was at a depth of 3 m. Nobody knows when and where the next funnel will appear, and scientists do not comment on this strange phenomenon.

15. Sound of the Earth

It turns out that our planet produces a buzz that manifests itself in the form of low-frequency noise. Not everyone hears it, but only every 20th person on Earth, and people say that this noise irritates them very much. Scientists believe that sound is associated with distant waves, industrial noise and singing sand dunes. The only one who claimed to have recorded this abnormal sound in 2006 was a researcher residing in New Zealand, but the information is not confirmed.