Wall design by wallpaper

One of the possibilities to significantly change the interior of premises in an apartment or a country house is the design of the walls by wallpaper. This is one of the directions of today's designers' developments, the essence of which is the following: to create a color-texture ratio that would achieve the following goals:

The latter is easy to achieve, developing and implementing the design of walls with different wallpaper.

The rules for selecting wallpapers for premises of different purposes

With respect to the design of wallpaper for the walls in the bedroom there are rules. This room is one in which a person should rest and gain strength. Here, in no case is more than 2 combined areas of wallpapering the wall, and the more unacceptable are bright, conspicuous tones.

As for the design of walls with wallpaper in the hallway, there are no such strict limitations. The latter, rather, are dictated by a purely practical need. So, the most problematic in terms of cleanliness are the lower areas of the wallpaper, so they need to give a darker shade. The upper part can also "suffer" from contamination. Therefore, you can combine in a very unfair relationship, say, only the upper 30-50 cm, where the hand of the owner does not reach. If you plan to increase this room visually, what you can do with either light wallpaper, or a device of mirrors and other glass elements, then you should pay attention to the design of walls with liquid wallpaper. They are less susceptible to "trailing subjects" and will keep your work intact and much longer. In the end, they can be washed.

As for the design of walls by wallpaper in the kitchen, the main task here is also to preserve the integrity and aesthetic appearance of the original finish. Drops of oil and other kitchen liquids can significantly spoil the wallpaper, so it is important here not only to observe the color code, but also to protect them from various misfortunes. Often in this room are selected washable wallpaper, and the color shades can be very different and bright enough. So, the most popular colors are orange, yellow, green, in some cases - shades of red , contrasting with black or white. Also a good solution would be to think over the design of pasting walls with different wallpaper, as this will only enhance the exclusivity of the room, highlighting the taste and style of the hosts.

Wallpaper in the living room - a demonstration of the taste of the owners

The most limited in terms of creative solutions is the living room. After all, this room is a reflection of the hospitality of the hosts. And here any negative perceptions are inadmissible. The design of the walls in the living room , where the wallpaper contrasts sharply, may seem repulsive, which is unacceptable. Therefore, it is advisable to change only the tonality, or choose colors that do not contrast with each other. And some experts generally do not recommend creating a separate wall design with a combination wallpaper in relation to the living rooms, as this can form a distorted view of the apartment, the owners and their tastes.

Realizing the modern design wallpaper for the walls, it is important to note one essential detail. It consists of the fact that the boundary between differently designed areas should be noticeable and proportional to the size of the premises. For example, a barely noticeable strip in a large living room or hall will not fit, as such an interior will seem unfinished. Therefore, the boundaries between such sections should be proportional to the dimensions of the room.