Can pregnant women drink chicory?

Women who have found themselves in an "interesting" position need to reconsider their diet. And, if necessary, give up some food and drink. In particular, it concerns coffee. Consider what alternative you can offer a pregnant woman to replace this drink. The best and most useful substitute for coffee has always been chicory .

Can pregnant women drink chicory?

It is widely known that chicory is quite useful and has many healing properties. It includes a large range of vitamins, especially the B group.

If a woman during a pregnancy uses chicory, thereby, she receives a huge benefit for her body. Namely, chicory:

During pregnancy, you can use chicory not only as an alternative to coffee. Its leaves and shoots are added to various dishes.

Decoction of chicory improves appetite.

You can drink a decoction of chicory during pregnancy as an antipyretic. The only thing, like any other plant, chicory in pregnancy, in this case, a decoction of it, has its contraindications. As a diuretic, if consumed in large quantities can lead to dehydration of the body. Also, contra-indications of chicory during pregnancy include:

If you do not have any of the above diseases, then the answer to the question whether pregnant women can drink chicory is definitely positive.

Soluble chicory in pregnancy

Having learned about the miraculous properties of this plant, probably every future mother will want to feel the benefit of chicory during pregnancy. And, if you buy in a drugstore and brew dry parts of a plant, not every woman will decide this, then combine the pleasure with the useful in the form of an instant drink many will not mind.

On the shelves of supermarkets you can find teas with chicory, as well as various instant drinks, which can be replaced with all your favorite coffee. Taste qualities they are still different, but it is worth remembering about the benefits, and the choice becomes obvious.

While waiting for the birth of her baby, each mother adjusts her diet herself. She decides whether she can drink coffee or chicory during pregnancy and how many mugs. What to give preference - more tasty or more useful. We hope that the above arguments will help future mothers make a choice in favor of their own health and that of their baby.