Christmas card with a monkey

Each new year comes to us accompanied by one of twelve animals - monkey, dog , bull ... And every year we are looking for gifts with the image of this beast. And why not make such a present with your own hands? This may well be a postcard, and it will be easy to repeat it every year (in various variations).

How to make a postcard with a monkey with your own hands, our master class will tell in detail.

Postcard with a monkey for the New Year

Necessary tools and materials:


  1. Cardboard and paper are cut into parts of suitable size.
  2. Two pieces of paper can be glued and stitched inside the base.
  3. Color our monkey with a thin layer of white paint and set it aside until it dries completely.
  4. While the figure dries, you can sew the remaining two pieces of paper and immediately glue one on the back side.
  5. When the monkey dries, we shade it with the help of a stamp pad and select outlines with a colored pencil.
  6. Then lightly shade the color with a piece of paper - this will give the figure a slightly worn look.
  7. Now we will compose the composition - for this you can use curbs and cutout pictures.
  8. The inscriptions on the curbs can be duplicated, creating a volume effect.
  9. First we sew the bottom elements, then the upper ones. In this case, not all the details should be glued completely.
  10. The monkey is glued to the center.
  11. Paint the flowers on the beer cardboard and fix it around the monkey.
  12. In conclusion, we strengthen the flowers with the help of brads and paste the finished part on the base.

Of course, monkeys on scrapbooking postcards are not the only version of the New Year's decor. Such cards can be made with any animal and thus supplement a gift for relatives and friends.