Sigmoiditis - symptoms, treatment

Inflammation of the sigmoid colon or sigmoiditis has characteristic symptoms and requires immediate treatment if they occur. If you start this problem, you can develop a tumor, which, in the final analysis, will lead to a fatal outcome.

Types and Symptoms of Sigmoiditis

Depending on the degree of damage to the walls of the sigmoid colon, the following types of disease are distinguished:

Catarrhal sigmoiditis is the easiest form of inflammation. Only superficial layers of epithelium are affected and there is no gross violation of their integrity. Catarrhal sigmoiditis has the following symptoms:

Chronic sigmoiditis has the following symptoms:

In this case, the symptoms can both become aggravated and subside, and their spectrum can be quite wide.

The most complex and dangerous is perisigmoiditis, in which the intestines are digested with neighboring tissues and organs.

Diagnosis of sigmoiditis

Often the diagnosis of sigmoiditis is difficult because of the similarity with the symptoms of appendicitis . In this case, only a specialist will be able to make an accurate diagnosis based on the analysis of stool and blood, as well as palpation. It is very important to identify the disease in the early stages, until the disease has become neglected, and the adhesion process and the fusion of the affected tissues with other organs has not begun. Otherwise, the treatment may not improve, and you will have to resort to surgery.

Treatment of sigmoiditis

Treatment of the disease is appointed depending on the causes that led to sigmoiditis. In this case, quite a lot of attention is paid to a special diet, which should include foods rich in dietary fiber, for example:

With drug therapy, most often the following drugs are prescribed:

Also in the treatment of sigmoiditis, candles with methyluracil, corticosteroids are actively used.

During the exacerbation, the patient should adhere to bed rest and a diet prescribed by the doctor. After the symptoms subsided, two months should be taken to help restore the intestinal microflora.

You can treat sigmoiditis and folk remedies, for example, with medicinal decoctions. They contribute to the reduction of inflammatory processes, and also have astringent effect, restore the work of the intestine. You need as often as possible to drink teas based on mint and chamomile.

Recipe # 1:

  1. You need to take one spoon of psyllium, celandine, chamomile, fennel seeds and wild rose berries.
  2. Pour the collection with a liter of boiling water and press for six hours.
  3. Take infusion should be a quarter cup 6 times a day before eating.

The course of treatment is four weeks, after which you should make a short break for seven days and start taking the decoction again. For best results, you can repeat this course three times.

Recipe # 2:

  1. A tablespoon of the juice of the leaves of plantain diluted in a glass of cooled boiled water.
  2. Take 30 minutes before eating.

This product has a good astringent effect and helps with prolonged diarrhea.

Therapeutic enemas based on such medicinal herbs as: