How to teach a dog the team "next"?

Dressage puppy is one of the most important components of his upbringing . Teach the dog team "next" and accustom them to obedience as soon as possible. This team is the base in the training system, it is necessary for the civilized life of your pet in the city.

Training a dog team "next" is best done in quiet places, where no extraneous sounds and objects will not distract her attention.

Stages of training

There are two basic approaches to how to teach a puppy a team "next door".

  1. Take the pet on the leash, in a clear and confident voice, say the command, then pry out the leash so that the dog is at your left foot and start walking. In the case of puppy resistance - repeat the command and jerk, if everything does right - praise and stroke.
  2. Two things are very important here. You need to command a confident and calm voice, in no case turning to screaming and aggression, try to do it in the same key. After all, dogs do not understand words, they react to a set of sounds and remember their pronunciation. The jerk of the leash should not be traumatic for the dog and frighten her. Choose such a force to just orient the position of the pet to your left, no more.

  3. For playful domestic dogs working off the team "next" to a jerk can be emotionally unacceptable and frighten them. For such breeds it is better to apply the technique with delicacy. To do this, take the puppy on the leash and, holding in his hand something delicious, indicate to him the desired direction of movement, pronouncing the command. Praise and curse the dog according to the successes achieved and only at the very end treat it with delicacy.

Over time, the puppy will develop a reflex and, hearing from you "side by side", he will walk obediently at the left leg, without twitching in different directions.