Anthurium - yellow and dry leaves

Anthurium is a plant that easily tolerates threats that pests can carry. But the problems with its cultivation in many arise quite often. The most common ones that happen to this flower are: yellow leaves and leaves dry, spots appear. Of course, all florists are interested in how to save an anturium when leaves dry.

A healthy plant blooms for several months in a row, while it manages to build up simply a chic foliage. If you are the lucky owner of this luxurious flower, but it does not look very well, it is worth considering why your anthuriums dry leaves or spots appear. As a rule, illness can arise from improper care for it.

Anthurium - what to do if leaves dry?

Why, for what reasons does the anturium yellow and dry the leaves? This question torments all amateur growers. If you are faced with this unpleasant problem, we will tell you what to do.

The very first, the most common cause is incorrect lighting. Try to move the flower to a perfectly illuminated place, but without direct sunlight. Direct rays can cause burns.

The second reason is a decrease in temperature. Usually this problem is encountered in the winter period of time. When the temperature drops to 10-12 ° C, the leaves begin to become covered with brown spots, the lower leaves turn yellow, growth slows down. To avoid this, you should move your flower to a warmer place and limit abundant watering. The most suitable temperature for anthurium is 22-25 ° C.

The third reason is humidity. If the yellowing of the leaves in your flower is massive, then this can be a problem with roots due to excessive moisture. To eliminate this problem, the flower should be pulled out of the pot, a thorough examination of the roots should be carried out. In case of detection of rotten parts, they should be cut to healthy tissues and plant anthurium in fresh soil.

The fourth reason is an overabundance or a lack of fertilizers. If you have found yellowing leaves after top dressing, you should take a break for this procedure, and, best of all, replace the soil completely.

Uniform yellow large spot on the sheet can say that the flower does not have enough fertilizers , then, naturally, it is necessary to make additional fertilizing.

The fifth cause may be orange aphid. When the flower of aphids is affected, its leaves turn yellow, wither and wrinkle, young shoots and flowers fall off. In this situation, you need a tincture of tobacco, it will help get rid of aphids and save the plant.

The sixth reason is mealybugs . The leaves affected by them are covered with brown spots. However, they can affect not only the leaves, but also young shoots. In the shoots, small cracks with brown edges are formed. Eliminate this problem will help "Carbophos".

Another cause may be fungal diseases. Although Anthurium is very rarely affected by such diseases, but sometimes it happens. And if this happens, then the plant needs a certain care and treatment:

  1. Gray rot. At first glance it resembles a grayish coating in the form of dust. If you notice such a touch on your flower, first move it to a well ventilated room, since high humidity can contribute to the rapid spread of the disease, and carefully remove all damaged areas. Then sprinkle the flower with Topsin.
  2. Septoria is a fungal disease that can also affect the anthurium. In case of destruction by it, on leaves dark maculae with a light border will appear. Copper vitriol will help you with this disease. But before you begin to process the plant with vitriol, all the affected leaves need to be removed.