At what age can a cat become pregnant?

If you have a fluffy cat in the house, then most likely with her arose and various questions: how and how to feed , how to care, from what age the cat can get pregnant the first time. Let's find out more and more about the reproductive age of a cat.

When can a cat get pregnant the first time?

A cat is an early ripening pet. Many pussy can get pregnant and have offspring for up to a year. The optimal age of sexual maturity in a cat is six to eight months. However, there are individuals that acquire babies even at four months. This depends largely on the breed of the cat. But experts consider such a young age of the cat unfavorable and even dangerous for the first pregnancy.

The ability for pregnancy and childbirth in a cat appears in the very first heat and lasts a lifetime. The most active is the reproductive age of the cat from two to six years. In this period, giving birth to pussies is even beneficial for their health. After six years of age, the animal can also become pregnant, but with such births, there may be various complications, both in the cat itself and in its offspring. Therefore, veterinarians recommend to become pregnant with a cat once a year, in extreme cases - missing one estrus.

To notice, that the cat had a heat or, scientifically, estrus, it is possible only by its behavior. It becomes obtrusive and restless, and the animal's crying cries are audible outside the house. This period lasts about a week. In some cats, the estrus is repeated every month, others flow twice a year. However, the classical periodicity of estrus is every three months.

Pregnancy in cats takes two months. Initially, the animal behaves as usual, and all changes appear in the second half of the cat's interesting position. Her belly grows, the size and color of the nipples changes: they become pink and swell. Specialists consider this particular sign as a clear indication of the cat's pregnancy that has come.