How to remove fleas from a dog?

Everyone knows at least a few ways to get these parasites out , but in fact many dog ​​owners are lost, as not every method is suitable for a particular breed. Below we will look at some of the most common options for quickly removing fleas and not damaging the pet.

Fleas in a dog - what to do?

There is no reason for panic. It is known that these parasites are often carriers of infection, but rarely infect. So first of all we remember a few basic rules of behavior:

Than you can deduce fleas?

Now consider the basic list of how to remove fleas from a dog using ready-made tools.

  1. Drops . The easiest option: you put the drops on the withers and do not bathe the dog for a while. The price of such a pleasure is quite high. For puppies, only certain specific firms are used, and many of them can become hazardous to human health or a dog due to toxicity. Among the most famous brands are stronghold, leopard, frontline, and they include advantix, serko.
  2. Collars . This option is more convenient, since the animal can safely bathe, and the owner can only fix it on the neck. However, collars are quite toxic and puppies can not be worn for half a year at all, but they cause poisoning in many pets. Remember, you can not pull out the fleas from the dog by collars, since they only scare off parasites. So this option is good only in conjunction with other drugs and for prevention.
  3. Shampoos . This option is most ineffective in fighting fleas in dogs. Indeed, it will not be more than a week after use, they are usually used for puppies. Adult animals begin to lick the wool, because dog breeders usually refuse such procedures.
  4. Sprays . The principle of the spray is the same as that of the drops, only the treatment zone is more extensive. They also either repel or poison parasites. Use them only in the air, after wearing gloves. This is a good decision if you spontaneously traveled to nature. After applying, borrow the pet and do not let it lick the chemistry off the wool.

Fleas in a dog - folk remedies

For supporters of natural remedies against parasites, ready synthetic mixtures seem to be poisons for an animal. Of course, industrial chemicals can harm a pet if used improperly, but no people's folk can compare with their effectiveness.

If the fleas in the dog have not yet multiplied, you can try folk remedies. Best for these purposes are pine sawdust, tansy with eucalyptus, wormwood. Of these ingredients are prepared decoctions, steep infusions and then process the wool. By the way, garlic for these purposes can not be used categorically, since for a dog it can turn into intoxication.