Allergies in cats

Home pets are often exposed to various kinds of chemicals, food additives and other unnatural factors. Animal allergy is more common today and before buying a kitten it is worth knowing in advance about the methods of preventing and solving this problem.

What does allergy look like in cats?

Symptoms of allergy in cats are very different and more dependent on the cause of the reaction of the body. Consider the most common cases.

  1. Food allergy in cats . The very first and common sign for allergic allergies is skin itch. If the problem is not seasonal, the symptomatology is the same throughout the year, most likely, you are dealing with the reaction to food. In addition, the itching in this case is very strong and it can not be eliminated even with steroid preparations. Allergy to cat food is a common problem today, which is why veterinarians advise to purchase exceptionally high quality premium food.
  2. Allergy to fleas in cats . In this case, the body's reaction is seasonal. Most often, allergy symptoms in cats occur during the period from summer to autumn. Itching does not stop for several hours, sometimes during the day. The hair begins to fall over the base of the tail, on which fleas or their feces can be detected with the naked eye. Gradually, the wool begins to fall out everywhere and the skin will become bald places with a reddish tinge.
  3. Allergy to the filler in a cat . If earlier we went to the nearest construction site or to the children's sandbox to collect sand, today there are special fillers for the toilet. There are a lot of species, but not all are worth using. The cheapest of them can contain not only chemical components, but also clay dust. It is best to give preference to natural materials such as sawdust or grain waste that absorb moisture and do not emit a strong odor or small particles in the air. A cat can begin to sneeze, itch or cough. This reaction manifests itself, as a rule, with the purchase of a new filler and you will immediately notice it.

Allergies in cats: treatment

The first thing you have to do is go to the vet. Treat allergies in cats you will be together. The specialist will prescribe means for itching and caring for the hair, but you will have to determine and eliminate the source yourself.

Transfer the animal to a special food intended for allergic cats. Clean all the chemistry for hair care: shampoos, balms and other preparations. Change the filler and carefully inspect the coat for fleas. Treatment of allergies in cats - the process is long and without a trace does not pass. In advance, take care of quality products for your pet and look for reactions to each new acquisition in time to recognize the allergy.