Pork - good and bad

Pork is a common and popular type of meat, which for many people is one of your favorite foods. The benefits and harm of pork for the body are constantly disputes. Some nutritionists consider this meat to be too heavy and fat, other experts recognize a number of beneficial properties that are observed with a moderate use of dishes from this meat.

Use of pork

To answer the question of how useful pork is , it is necessary to consider the composition and properties of the chemical elements that it contains. Pork meat, including fat, contains a number of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the nervous system and promote the renewal and recovery of cells.

These substances include, first of all, selenium and arachidonic acid. The first improves the work of the brain and nervous system, relieves depression and fatigue, rejuvenates and renews the body at the cellular level. Arachidonic acid, referred to as omega-6, regulates hormonal balance, increases mental capacity, improves blood clotting, strengthens muscle tissue.

In addition to these components, pork meat contains a storehouse of vitamins and a wide range of mineral salts:

Based on these data, the question of whether pork is useful, can be answered with confidence in the affirmative. With high physical activity and active employment in heavy sports, pork is indispensable for restoring strength and developing muscles.


Pork meat can bring both benefit and harm. He has a fairly high calorie content, and the fatter the meat, the higher its energy value . All thinners need to eat it in moderation, choose lean chunks and give preference to cooking boiling, baking and putting out.

People who have problems with the liver and gall bladder are also advised to eat boiled or baked lean meat with a minimum of spices. Oily pork is contraindicated for cores and aching atherosclerosis.