The child has a cloudy urine

The problem of changing the color of urine is familiar to many parents. Any deviations from the norm, we used to think abnormal. What to do and whether it is necessary to immediately visit the doctor about the murky urine in the child, not every parent knows.

In a child of the first years of life, the color of urine can normally vary from light yellow to saturated orange. When urine does not have color at all - this is considered the norm.

Causes of turbid urine in a child


  1. The color of urine depends on the amount of substances dissolved in it. For example, if a child takes any medication, the urine will be bright yellow. And if in the evening before taking the tests the child ate beets, then urine acquires an orange shade. It should also take into account the fact that the color of urine directly depends on the overall health of the baby, drinking regimen and physical exertion.
  2. Sometimes it happens that the visually healthy child has a cloudy urine, but if this case is single and is not accompanied by any concomitant symptoms, then give it a value. Muddy urine in a child happens in the morning after a dream, this happens due to a change in the water balance. If this phenomenon is periodic, but not permanent, then nothing terrible, according to doctors, this is not. not worth it.
  3. If parents found a cloudy urine yellow in the baby in the first 2-3 days of life, then you should not worry. On the third or fourth day, urine usually turns pale yellow.


  1. Urine of a dull color or with flakes is indicated by the presence of bacteria and a deposit of mineral salts. Most often it happens with inflammation of the urogenital system or kidneys. For an accurate diagnosis, urine samples should be submitted to the clinic. Parents also need to know that if urine is held for several hours in a jar, it may cloud, because mineral salts precipitate. Therefore, if you see a cloudy urine in a pot of a child who has stood open for a long time, it is likely that the baby is healthy, and the urine is clouded by the interaction with the air.
  2. Also, turbidity of urine may be a consequence of the presence of red blood cells and leukocytes in it. For example, poisoning or infections in the liver receives a large number of red blood cells, and it does not have time to process them. Also, urine can have an unusually dark color in the event that liver cells are damaged and do not cope with hemoglobin processing.
  3. If a child with normal body temperature becomes cloudy with urine, and the abdomen is hurting, consult a doctor if there is a kidney or urinary system.
  4. If the child has a high temperature, and urine is turbid and saturated yellow, this indicates that it is very concentrated, and there is not enough fluid in the body. In order to prevent dehydration, it is necessary to give plenty of water to the baby with still water with a high content of mineral salts.
  5. Muddy urine with a pungent odor can indicate a malfunction in the child's body. For example, in diseases urinary tract (pyelonephritis), diabetes mellitus, acetonemia, a sharp odor is one of the signs of the disease. Parents themselves can check the urine for acetone, for this you need to buy special tests at the pharmacy.
  6. Muddy urine of dark (almost brown) color indicates a high content of bile pigments in it, which happens with hepatitis. In this case, parents need to remember what kind of people the kid was contacting, and if any of them subsequently fell ill with hepatitis.

From all of the above, it follows that the disappearance of transparency and the change in the color of urine may indicate a disease, so give a clear answer to the question of why your child has a cloudy urine that only a doctor can.