How to treat snot in a child?

Experienced mother snot not scare, except that green. In her medicine cabinet there will always be remedies for catarrhal cold, allergic reaction and "heavy artillery" in case of infection. Therefore, the question of how to properly treat snot in a child, most often interested in newly mummies.

So, briefly about the basic methods of treating a common cold of a different etiology, we will tell you in this article.

How to treat snot in an infant?

Suddenly appeared transparent soplyushki in an infant is not always a sign of a serious illness. Sometimes a small organism reacts to a change in the temperature regime, a slight freezing or the eruption of another tooth. In such situations, on the question of how and how to treat snot in an infant without temperature and other signs of illness, pediatricians recommend:

If the runny nose does not last a long time, and the condition of the baby is burdened by other symptoms, it is worth revising the treatment regimen. As a rule, in such cases, events can develop according to two scenarios:

  1. Snot for a long time do not pass, while thicken and change color to green. Such a clinical picture indicates the attachment of a bacterial infection. In such cases, treatment should be more radical with the use of antibacterial drugs, which are prescribed exclusively by the doctor.
  2. Liquid transparent snot bother the baby for more than a month, even despite all the measures taken by the parents. How to treat copious and prolonged transparent snot in a child can be asked from an allergist, since, most likely the culprit of this condition is allergy. Therefore, the task of parents is to identify and eliminate the allergen.