Treatment of ascariasis in children

Many parents are not serious about such a child's disease as ascariasis. And very vain. In fact, as a result of infection with ascarids and their subsequent life activity, irreversible processes can begin in a small organism.

Increased fatigue, nausea, dry cough, wheezing, vomiting, lowering blood pressure - this is only a small part of the concomitant symptomatology. When ascariasis passes into the second, intestinal stage, the kids have seizures, there is photophobia, hysterical fits, headaches and dizziness. Actually, therefore, ascariasis in children requires urgent diagnosis and treatment.

Scheme of treatment of ascaridosis in children

At the first suspicions of ascaridosis, parents need to take urgent measures. The first thing you need to do is turn to the pediatrician, who will prescribe the necessary examination. The test for the presence of ascaris is carried out with the help of a serological reaction. Also at the initial stage, parasites can be identified if sputum analysis is made for the presence of larvae. The intestinal stage of the disease can be diagnosed exclusively through the examination of feces. Scheme of treatment of ascariasis in children is determined by a doctor, focusing on the age of the child and his general condition.

As a rule, treatment of ascaridosis in children is carried out with antihelminthic drugs: Nemosol, Albendazolum, Mebendazolum, Medamin or Pirantel. Dosage and duration of treatment are selected exclusively by a doctor. It is worth noting that Nemozol is a strong enough medicine, therefore, it is resorted to only in extremely neglected cases.

To avoid re-infection, the course of treatment must pass through all family members. Also for this period it is necessary to limit contacts with other people.

The results of therapy can be judged only after three weeks.

To ensure a speedy recovery, the medical treatment of ascaridosis in children can be combined with folk remedies. Here are some effective recipes:

  1. Garlic - is harmful to parasites. You can just eat it regularly, a small child can just rub garlic and put it on a plate - the ascarids will smell and rush to leave the body.
  2. And tasty, and an effective tool in the fight against helminths - pumpkin seeds. A small amount of eaten grains a day on an empty stomach, at times will speed up the healing process.
  3. Good results help to achieve herbal infusions and decoctions. For example, 3 tbsp. l. Tansy should be poured with boiling water (200 ml), let it brew for 1-2 hours and drink 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day after eating.