How to store broccoli for the winter?

Broccoli is famous for its taste and high content of various vitamins and minerals. Therefore it is not surprising that many housewives want to use vegetables for cooking not only in the summer. For them, the actual question is: how to store broccoli for the winter?

How to store broccoli at home?

On the question of how to store broccoli cabbage, there are several options for answers. It can be kept fresh, dried or frozen. In this case, freezing is considered one of the most convenient ways of storing.

Freezing vegetables is best done in summer, in June-July. The freezing process includes the following steps:

  1. Careful selection of broccoli. Fruits must be intact, without rot, young and not overripe.
  2. Washing vegetables in running water. Better yet, soak them in a saline solution for half an hour, and then rinse. This will help remove all traces of contaminants and pesticides.
  3. It is necessary to remove all the stems and leaves of the plant, leaving only the inflorescence. They are dismantled into smaller parts.
  4. Laying out small portions of individual containers or plastic bags from which air is removed.
  5. Placement in the freezer in compliance with the temperature regime from -18 to -23 ° C.

Many people are worried about the question: how to store broccoli in the freezer? If these conditions are met for the preparation for freezing, the vegetables will be stored for 9 months under normal conditions, and in the freezer with deep freeze - up to 14 months.

How to store broccoli for a child?

Preparing vegetables for winter storage for a child has its own characteristics:

Observing the necessary requirements for the preparation of broccoli for storage, you can make a stock of these healthy vegetables for the winter.