Kalatea - care and content

There are not so many kinds of kalates, about 300, but it is impossible to say that each kalatee needed a peculiar content and transplantation. Therefore, consider the rules for caring for a group of similar requirements for popular varieties.

Cataract kalathea - care and maintenance

Ask why the care and maintenance of kroatea crocata (saffron) is described separately? And because this kalathea is one of the few blooming among the whole variety of species. This plant likes partial shade, so it must be protected from direct sunlight. It is also necessary to maintain a constant soil moisture, not allowing fluid stagnation in pallets. Kalatea saffron well tolerates normal room temperatures (without sharp changes), provided that there is sufficient humidity in the air, so it needs to be sprayed. To induce flowering kalatee, you need a night of 14 hours and a day at 10. To ensure this, you can cover the plant with a black plastic bag, while touching the leaves of the plant, it should not. The procedure should be carried out before the appearance of the first buds.

You can feed the plant every 2 weeks in the spring.

Care and maintenance of kalatei medallion, mix, makoy and lansifolia

Care of the medallion coats and other varieties is quite simple, but there are some features. Like all kalatei, these varieties do not tolerate direct sunlight, temperature drops and drafts. Moreover, the temperature should not fall below 16 ° C, even at night. Watering abundant in the summer with constant spraying, in the winter - moderate. The humidity of the air needs to be increased, because the pot must stand on moist pebbles, peat or in the terrarium. Transplanting is not more often than once in 2 years, in spring or summer time. Particular attention is paid to drainage - up to 1/4 the height of the pot. The pot should be chosen broad, and not very deep. If you brought a seedling from a friend, then after planting, the pot must be covered with a plastic wrap, put in a warm place and do not remove the film until the seedling has taken root.

By the way, such florets may not be suitable for avid smokers, because kalatei absolutely can not stand tobacco smoke.

Calatea Sanderian, Rufibarba and triostar

The temperature for these plants is required not lower than 18 ° C. As well as other varieties of kalatej, these do not like direct sunlight, they do not tolerate sharp changes in temperature and drafts. Watering abundant in the summer, and frequent spraying in extreme heat. In winter, watering and sprinkling should be reduced, but the land must be constantly wet. And, water for irrigation and spraying should be used warm and soft, hard water is not welcomed by the flower, and gray spots on the leaves will remain. Also important is the humidity of the air, 60-65% is required, so it is better to place the pots on pallets with wet claydite or pebbles. When planting necessarily make a good layer of drainage, and do not forget about the favorable time for this procedure - the beginning of spring. Feeding is done every two weeks during the growing season.

Care of kalatei in diseases

The dark, brown tips of the leaves are evidence of low air humidity. Urgently begin to spray your plant, and put it in a pallet with wet claydite.

Gray mold (botrytis) speaks of too much air humidity. To combat it, antifungal drugs are used.

Brown spots on the leaves can appear due to water falling on the leaves in bright sunshine, these are sunburn. Also, brown spots can be caused by the appearance of pests (scabbards). In this case, the leaves are washed with a soapy sponge. A plant is sprayed with 0.15% solution of the actinic.

The pale yellow color of the leaves with whitish spots on them and the strengthened leaf fall can be evidence of the appearance of a red spider mite. It is necessary to wash the leaves with a soapy sponge and spray the plant with an actella, phytophythm, etc.