House flower «Female happiness»

Tell me, what woman does not dream of happiness? It does not matter what she puts into this concept - a strong family, passionate love or a successful career - but dreams of happiness are inherent in all the daughters of Eve. If you believe the signs, then bring the approach of long-awaited happiness will help the indoor flower, which has the popular name of "female happiness."

What is the name of the flower "Women's Happiness"?

Of course, "women's happiness" is an unofficial name, and in none of the flower catalogs does the plant with that name appear. In the scientific literature, the flower "female happiness" is called nothing else than spathiphyllum. The name is derived from two Greek words "spata" - a veil and "phylum" - a leaf.

Flower "Women's Happiness" - how to care?

Flowers "female happiness" came to us from the hot American tropics, which are characterized by a high level of humidity. And this means that for normal health in the room they will need to provide several mandatory conditions - a certain level of humidity and temperature:

  1. The temperature for the bringing happiness of the plant should be maintained at +18 ... + 25 ° С. In this case, you need to ensure that spathiphyllum is not in the draft, since cold air can cause the death of the plant.
  2. We will dwell in more detail on how to properly water the flower "female happiness". Here it is important to be able to reach the golden mean and do it so that spathiphyllum, on the one hand, does not lack moisture, and on the other, it does not become a victim of its overabundance. Therefore, the most sensible thing is to water this plant as the earthen coma dries out in the pot, keeping it constantly wet. How correctly the drinking regime for spathiphyllum will be chosen can also be judged by the state of its leaves - in case of insufficient watering, they will turn yellow and fall off, and with systematic flooding will begin to turn black. Increase the level of humidity can be using regular spraying from the spray, using for this purpose, soft and dewatered water.

Another issue that worries the owners of "female happiness" is how often it is necessary to transplant this flower. It should be noted that spathiphyllums do not need a regular change of pots at all, and they need to be replanted quite rarely. In size, the pot for spathiphyllum should only slightly exceed the size of its rhizome, otherwise the plant will cease to bloom. At the bottom of the pot you need to lay a thick layer of drainage to ensure a free outflow of excess water.