Festive make-up

On the eve of the solemn events, every woman carefully thinks through her image to the smallest detail. Particular attention deserves a holiday make-up, because he should profitably emphasize all the advantages and correct the shortcomings of the person. In addition, make up should be selected in accordance with the dress, hair and accessories.

How to make holiday makeup at home?

If you prefer to paint yourself and do not want to use the services of a make-up artist, remember the following rules:

  1. Buy cosmetics that suit your color.
  2. Buy shades of different colors in several shades.
  3. In addition to tonal basis, use powder.
  4. Be sure to do one or more trial make-ups to choose the best option.

Festive makeup for the brown eyes

Possessors of dark eyes fit almost the entire color range. But the real hit was, of course, the smokey ice .

It is necessary to emphasize the upper and lower eyelids abundantly with dark shadows, and then shade them with a dense brush (no clear lines). To open the view, a gradient is used - the black gradually turns into gray, and then into any bright matte color (under the eyebrows). When performing a fig, ice do not forget to paint your eyelashes and eyebrows carefully. The color of the lipstick should not be very bright, it is better to use a translucent shine for the lips.

Lovers of extravagant style can make the considered make-up with the use of bright and contrasting shadows.

Festive make-up for green eyes

Described color of the iris varies from pale-marsh to bright emerald. There is a type of makeup, equally suitable for any green eyes.

Eastern make-up is performed using clear, neatly traced lines. First you need to bring the upper and lower eyelid. The inner corner of the eye should be lowered slightly, and the outer corner should be raised to the temples, creating an almond-shaped or feline-shaped effect. After this, over the fold of the mobile age, you must draw a thick dark line and shade it. The zone under the eyebrows is recommended to be treated with light matte or flickering shadows. Particular attention should be paid to eyelashes, it is important that they are thick and long, especially at the outer edge of the eyes. For the lips, stylists advise to choose a nude lipstick or shine.

Festive make-up for gray and blue eyes

With such eyes, cool and metallic shades look wonderful. To emphasize the color of the iris and make it deeper with the help of makeup using bright turquoise and azure shadows. First you need to draw a neat arrow along the line of eyelash growth in the upper eyelid. The outer corner of the eye is treated with a dark shade of blue shadows, shading, and then creating a gradient transition to the inner corner, applying ever lighter tones. Lower eyelid bring azure or turquoise pencil, slightly shade. Eyelashes make up a rich black ink. With makeup, lipsticks are perfectly combined with a gently pink and pale scarlet shade.