Salad in tartlets - recipe

Tartlets are an elegant and wonderful appetizer, which looks very impressive and is great for a cocktail or festive table. Baskets for cooking this dish can be bought in the store and immediately go to the preparation of a variety of fillings.

Tartlets with chicken and mushrooms

Such tartlets will not only, by the way, during a daily meal, but also become an excellent addition to any festive feast.



Chicken fillet boil until cooked in salted water, then cool and cut into small cubes. Eggs in advance cook hard-boiled, cleaned and finely shredded. Tomatoes cut in small slices and merge carefully excess juice. All the ingredients are mixed in a cup, add marinated mushrooms, salt, pepper to taste and season salad with mayonnaise. Well we mix the snack and stuff it ready tartlets.

Meat salad in tartlets


For salad:

For refueling:


We carefully wash the beef tongue and put it in boiling water. After boiling carefully remove the foam and cook with the lid closed for 3 hours. One hour before the readiness, we add beef and chicken fillet. Then carefully take out the ready tongue, wash it under ice water and clean it from the film. After that, chop the whole chilled meat with a thin strip and transfer it into a deep bowl.

Cucumbers and pears are mine, wiped with a towel and cut together with pickled cucumbers exactly the same straw. Pears sprinkle with lemon juice and leave for a few minutes. And by this time we are preparing the gas station for now: we cut off the leaves of the tarhuna and crush it. With the lemon squeeze the juice, and grate the zest on a small griddle. Add salt, pepper, put mayonnaise, carefully mix everything and remove the dressing for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Now mix all the meat cut with cucumbers and pears, pour the dressing, stir the salad and let it brew for 2 hours. Immediately before serving, lay out a snack on the tartlets, decorate with fresh herbs, and serve it to the table.

Chicken salad in tartlets for festive table

This appetizer is quite simple to prepare, but at the same time it turns out to be very tasty, surprisingly beautiful and appetizing in appearance.


For sauce:


We offer another option, how to prepare a salad in tartlets. Chicken breast boil until soft, almost boiled condition in slightly salted water. Then we give the meat to cool completely and divide it into small fibers. Celery and pineapple crushed, and grapes cut into two halves. In a bowl, mix sour cream, add a little lemon juice, season it with pepper and salt. Now mix in the salad bowl all the ingredients: celery, chicken breast, pineapple, almond grape, dressing with sauce and stir well. We spread the ready salad into tartlets, decorate it with chopped parsley and thinly sliced ​​radishes.