Burning fat on the stomach

Nowadays, everyone wants to be in a trend - which means being young, fashionable and slim. That is why for many women the question of how to speed up the burning of fats is so urgent. As you know, the most problematic part of the female body is the belly, which first acquires a premium wrinkle, and then this crease is imperceptibly growing, and at some point you understand that it's time to change something, since the waist clearly exceeds the desired one, and the side view is by no means so tempting.

Diet for burning fat

Burning fat in the body begins with proper nutrition, and not with a short-term diet that promises to save you from 10 kg in 5 days (after such diets you will probably gain extra pounds, and this will be even worse than if you did not even anything did). So in our case, by the word diet, we mean a food system that should become your norm, and not accompany only a short period of your life.

Effective fat burning involves the implementation of such simple rules constantly:

  1. Do not overeat! All that you eat by inertia, will be deposited at your waist. Do not eat up everything that is on the plate: eat slowly, chew carefully, and put on a plate for a third or even half less than usual (and a plate you need to take a smaller size).
  2. Give up empty calories: sweets, sodas, juice in boxes, fast food, fatty foods.
  3. Be sure to have breakfast, snack during the day with low-fat dairy products or fruits (except bananas and grapes), and the last meal should be no later than 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  4. Add to your diet foods that disperse the metabolism: oatmeal, spices and ginger, almonds, spinach, turkey, fatty fish, broccoli, grapefruits, green tea and milk.
  5. Can not live without sweet? Replace the usual desserts with homemade jelly (preferably with agar agar), marshmallows, baked apples, fruit salads with yoghurt dressing, bitter chocolate, prunes and nuts. Dessert is a separate meal, it should not follow immediately after a meal! Between dessert and other meals should take about 1.5 hours. Yes, and no sugar in tea and coffee!
  6. Refuse pelmeni, potatoes with meat, pasta with sausages - a combination of proteins and simple carbohydrates indigestible! Meat should be eaten with buckwheat, brown rice or a garnish of non-starchy vegetables (tomatoes, eggplant, zucchini, carrots and others).

Be sure - it's easy to get used to such nutrition. The program for burning fat on the stomach will be much faster and more successful if you comply with these rules without exception.

Training program for burning fat

Probably, you will be surprised, but exercises on burning fat on the stomach and exercises on the press are two completely different things. The press can form and under a layer of fat, but the disappearance of this layer, it does not contribute! That is why fat burning in gym leave professional athletes who use special sports nutrition. Trainers, of course, will not harm, they will help to spend more calories, but this is by no means the most effective method of fighting fat.

The best remedy is aerobic exercise for burning fat. This includes: running, walking up the stairs, jumping rope. Whatever you choose, it is important that the training last at least 40 minutes, because only 20 minutes after the beginning of physical activity the body stops taking energy from food and begins to take it from fat deposits. At the same time, the optimal pulse for burning fat is 65-70% of the maximum for your age.

Subject to the diet and daily training, after 2-4 weeks results will be visible.