Symptoms of measles in children

Despite the fact that measles diseases are fixed year-round, the peak of the disease is most often in the winter and autumn periods. This is due not only to seasonal decreases in immunity, but also to the pathway of infection that spreads when sneezing, coughing, or talking. Fortunately, the low level of measles virus resistance to the environment excludes the possibility of getting infected through the objects with which the child has been in contact.

Symptoms of measles in children may go unnoticed for one to three weeks, because the incubation period for the virus is long enough. However, the child's measles should be recognized as early as possible, because the disease itself is not as dangerous as the consequences to which it can lead.

Disturbing symptoms

It's no secret that the manifestation of measles in children is characterized, in the first place, by a profuse rash all over the body. However, the pink vesicles, which cause minor discomfort, are not the first sign of infection. They appear only in a week, when measles is in full bloom. Up to this point it is difficult for parents to determine independently what is wrong with the child. He coughs, his voice is hoarse, his nose runs, sometimes it jumps to 39 degrees. Obviously, the first signs of measles in children coincide with the symptoms of influenza and ARVI . However, after a few days the child's eyelids swell, they acquire a rich red color. Now the symptoms of measles in children coincide with the first symptoms of conjunctivitis. And when the child begins to complain about the pain in the abdomen, periodic cramps and stomach upsets, parents are completely confused. But in fact, as practice shows, this is exactly what measles in children look like in most cases!

But there is room for exceptions. There are cases when measles in children occurs as laryngitis, otitis media, polyneuritis, or even pneumonia. In fact, these diseases are its consequence. That's why you can not postpone your visit to a doctor! The specialist will not be able to diagnose the measles. Sometimes the examination of the oral cavity is enough, because on the cheeks and gums with the disease of measles immediately appear small grayish rashes. It is worth noting that the symptoms of measles in vaccinated children are somewhat blurred. The rash is not so strong, the temperature does not rise or rise insignificantly.

How to help the child?

As soon as children have measles, they need to be isolated, because the disease is very contagious. You can treat a child at home, if the disease is without complications and not in severe form. It is recommended to provide a small patient with bed rest, a full vitaminized diet, increase the amount of liquid used, which will help to remove toxins.

Since measles in children manifests a profuse rash and lacrimation, hygiene in this period should be given special attention. Two or three times a day, the eyes are instilled after washing with boiled water solutions of sodium hydrogen carbonate (2%) and sodium sulfacyl, nasal wipes moistened with vaseline oil are used to clean the nose, but the skin affected by the rash should not be treated with ointments and creams. Pay attention and care for the baby's lips, because the stuffiness of the nose and temperature lead to the fact that the skin begins to peel off. Will help with vaseline oil or hygienic lipstick.

The best protection against measles is, of course, the vaccine made in time. Korevaya live vaccine, introduced in time, if and does not guarantee complete protection from infection, will make the course of the disease much easier. In addition, the vaccinated child who picked up the virus, for the surrounding threat is no longer present, so there is no reason to refuse going to kindergarten or school.